Indulge in this Sweet Treat for Hearing Health

Sure pumpkin spice is in the air, but it’s hard to deny that chocolate season is now upon us! Bags of Halloween candy line store shelves, National Chocolate Day is October 28th and Halloween is just the start of the holidays on the horizon. What you may not know is that indulging in this sweet,… Continue reading Indulge in this Sweet Treat for Hearing Health

Your Sweet Tooth Might Be Good For Your Hearing

Halloween isn’t quite yet upon us, but when it arrives, don’t be too quick to limit yourself to just one chocolate a day: It turns out that chocolate might actually be good for your overall hearing health. Sure, modern candies are full of sugar and other non-nutritional foodstuffs, but chocolate, particularly the dark kind, has… Continue reading Your Sweet Tooth Might Be Good For Your Hearing