Tips for Protecting Your Ears in Cold Weather

When the weather outside is frightful, make sure to dress appropriately and think layers. Our bodies strive to maintain a core temperature around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, and being in a cold environment for extended periods of time interferes with that. The body uses several mechanisms to retain heat when faced with cold temperatures. First, it… Continue reading Tips for Protecting Your Ears in Cold Weather

Most Common Mistakes When Buying Hearing Aids

Coming to terms with hearing loss and finally deciding to look into hearing aids is no small choice. The truth is, nobody really wants hearing aids, but those who hear better because of hearing aids certainly don’t regret getting them. Once we get over our reluctance to find out if we actually need hearing aids… Continue reading Most Common Mistakes When Buying Hearing Aids

Most Common Mistakes When Buying Hearing Aids

Coming to terms with hearing loss and finally deciding to look into hearing aids is no small choice. The truth is, nobody really wants hearing aids, but those who hear better because of hearing aids certainly don’t regret getting them. Once we get over our reluctance to find out if we actually need hearing aids… Continue reading Most Common Mistakes When Buying Hearing Aids