Tips To Keep In Mind When Celebrating Your Mom’s First Mother’s Day With A Hearing Aid

This Mother’s Day, like so many Mother’s Days before it, will be filled with flowers and cards, brunches, and special trips out. No matter what age, mothers everywhere will enjoy this special day filled with warm thoughts, loving embraces, and kind words. And while being surrounded by loved ones is often gift enough, most of… Continue reading Tips To Keep In Mind When Celebrating Your Mom’s First Mother’s Day With A Hearing Aid

Looking For A Quiet Restaurant? There’s An App For That

Hearing aids improve quality of life for users. Studies have even shown that treating hearing loss can have a positive impact on feelings of depression, anxiety and social isolation. Adjusting to using a hearing aid does take some time and each person has to figure out the model and protocols that work best for them.… Continue reading Looking For A Quiet Restaurant? There’s An App For That

PSAP or Hearing Aid?

We live in an era of instant, online gratification.  Need a new dress? It can be here in 24 hours.  Need a new TV?  Hop online, compare prices and purchase in under an hour. Have a sore throat?  There’s now an app where you can engage with a licensed physician, show them your throat, and… Continue reading PSAP or Hearing Aid?

Untreated Hearing Loss and Its Impact on Your Life

48 million people have a degree of hearing loss, and the majority of those individuals choose to ignore it. Hearing impairment can dramatically affect your life in many ways you may be overlooking. So if you are among the many who experience a loss of hearing, please consider the consequences if you choose to do… Continue reading Untreated Hearing Loss and Its Impact on Your Life

Why Two Hearing Aids Are Always Better Than One

Millions of people around the world are now affected by hearing loss and the effects it can have on relationships and daily life. When hearing loss becomes a concern, the decision to see a professional for a hearing evaluation and get fitted for hearing aids can be a big one. You may wonder how hearing… Continue reading Why Two Hearing Aids Are Always Better Than One

Social Gathering Tips for the Hearing Impaired

The holidays are almost here as are the social gatherings with family and friends. For those with impaired hearing, family get-togethers can be a trying experience. Understanding what is going on and trying to engage in dialogue with someone can be overwhelming. The good news is that there are steps you can take to ensure… Continue reading Social Gathering Tips for the Hearing Impaired