Is there a link between hearing loss and behavioral disorders in children?

According to the World Health Organization, hearing loss affects over 34 million children worldwide. Hearing loss has a significant effect on the language development of these children. While most hearing professionals educate the families of children with hearing loss about the language and developmental effects of hearing loss, they often do not discuss behavioral challenges.… Continue reading Is there a link between hearing loss and behavioral disorders in children?

Great Advice For Traveling With Hearing Aids

The weather is starting to change, and the urge to hit the road is upon us. Everyone loves a vacation, including those with hearing problems. With planning and preparation, a hearing-impaired individual can avoid problems with hearing aids and enjoy their holiday to the fullest. Handling busy airports, hotels, and tourist attractions will be no… Continue reading Great Advice For Traveling With Hearing Aids

Researchers Find Link Between Premature Death & Hearing Loss

If someone were to ask you what challenges a person with age-related hearing loss might encounter, what would you say? Miscommunications? Difficulty in social situations? Science has shown that untreated age-related hearing loss can have even more serious effects than these. A growing body of research demonstrates the connection between untreated hearing loss and increased… Continue reading Researchers Find Link Between Premature Death & Hearing Loss

Advancements in Hereditary Hearing Loss

Have you ever wondered why so many of your family members experience hearing loss around the same age? This pattern may not just be a simple coincidence but may actually be the result of a common problem called hereditary hearing loss. Since many forms of hearing problems are caused by genetics, researchers have been working… Continue reading Advancements in Hereditary Hearing Loss

Connecting Chronic Noise Exposure With Cardiovascular Disease

In 1910, the Nobel Prize Winner Robert Koch suggested that a time will come when we will have to fight noise as aggressively as we fight cholera and other disorders. The effects of noise are cumulative, building up over the course of a lifetime. This slow, gradual increase makes detecting hearing loss difficult until it… Continue reading Connecting Chronic Noise Exposure With Cardiovascular Disease

The High Health Care Costs of Untreated Hearing Loss

There are presently over 37 million Americans with hearing loss according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD). This staggering figure is alarming when you consider the effects that an untreated hearing loss can have not just on communication but on general health and safety as well. Now, it seems that… Continue reading The High Health Care Costs of Untreated Hearing Loss

Protecting Your Hearing Health During the Winter

The advent of the winter season brings with it a whole host of excitement. The colder days, longer nights, and the start of the festive season keep us going even if we think of snow as more of a nuisance than a source of joy. That being said, while many of us are aware of… Continue reading Protecting Your Hearing Health During the Winter

Toys Bring the Noise

It’s that time of year again – toys and all of their noise! What to know and what to do about noisy toys kids get this Christmas. The holiday season is here and with it, toys, toys, and more toys. Catalogs of them arrive by mail. Stores have fully stocked shelves of them. Friends and… Continue reading Toys Bring the Noise

Hearing Your Relatives This Holiday Season

The holiday season has arrived. And with it comes plenty of opportunities to gather together with family, friends, and other loved ones to celebrate being together. Whether your at home or out an about this season, enjoying the holidays with hearing loss can be made better if you take a few considerations in mind. To… Continue reading Hearing Your Relatives This Holiday Season

Indulge in this Sweet Treat for Hearing Health

Sure pumpkin spice is in the air, but it’s hard to deny that chocolate season is now upon us! Bags of Halloween candy line store shelves, National Chocolate Day is October 28th and Halloween is just the start of the holidays on the horizon. What you may not know is that indulging in this sweet,… Continue reading Indulge in this Sweet Treat for Hearing Health