Why Exercise Protects Against Hearing Loss

With the new year upon us and resolutions abounding, you may find yourself inclined to spend more time exercising this season. And if you happen to be on the fence about it, or are encountering that familiar sense of resistance towards heading to the gym, you might be happy to know that exercise continues to… Continue reading Why Exercise Protects Against Hearing Loss

How to Enjoy Conversations Again

It is that time of the year when everything around us is bright and happy. Colorful decorations, our favorite delicacies, and relaxing with our favorite people are the hallmarks of the holiday season. However, wouldn’t you enjoy more if these conversations were smooth, without all of your energy being spent in comprehending what is being… Continue reading How to Enjoy Conversations Again

Tips for Enjoying Conversations Again

With the Holidays upon us, we can expect a number of things: twinkling lights draped across our neighborhood, delicious and indulgent foods all around, and enjoying the company of family and friends. Relaxing and catching up with those around us is a hallmark of the season. Wouldn’t it be nice if these conversations were an… Continue reading Tips for Enjoying Conversations Again

Navigating the World of Hearing Tests

When first encountering the multifaceted array of hearing evaluations and screenings, it’s not uncommon to feel lost and overwhelmed. An online search on the topic will invariably supply endless pages for “online hearing tests” and diverse references to in-person evaluations. While online tests can be a helpful way to gauge if one should seek further… Continue reading Navigating the World of Hearing Tests

Troubleshooting Tips for Your Hearing Aids

As with most electronic devices, it’s not uncommon for hearing aids to experience the occasional glitch. Luckily, most problems can be resolved at home by simply going through a short checklist of actions. We’ve listed some of the common issues that hearing aid users run into below. Knowing how to fix easy problems on your… Continue reading Troubleshooting Tips for Your Hearing Aids

Most Common Mistakes When Buying Hearing Aids

Coming to terms with hearing loss and finally deciding to look into hearing aids is no small choice. The truth is, nobody really wants hearing aids, but those who hear better because of hearing aids certainly don’t regret getting them. Once we get over our reluctance to find out if we actually need hearing aids… Continue reading Most Common Mistakes When Buying Hearing Aids

Most Common Mistakes When Buying Hearing Aids

Coming to terms with hearing loss and finally deciding to look into hearing aids is no small choice. The truth is, nobody really wants hearing aids, but those who hear better because of hearing aids certainly don’t regret getting them. Once we get over our reluctance to find out if we actually need hearing aids… Continue reading Most Common Mistakes When Buying Hearing Aids

Is It Really Worth It? Recent Advancements in Hearing Aid Technology

Hearing aid technology has experienced an explosion of advancement in the last several decades. These days, designs and features evolve so fast that it’s often hard to keep track of it all, let alone decide which options are worth their weight.   Hearing aids, like most electronics, rode the ‘digital revolution’ wave in the late… Continue reading Is It Really Worth It? Recent Advancements in Hearing Aid Technology

Is It Really Worth It? Recent Advancements in Hearing Aid Technology

Hearing aid technology has experienced an explosion of advancement in the last several decades. These days, designs and features evolve so fast that it’s often hard to keep track of it all, let alone decide which options are worth their weight.   Hearing aids, like most electronics, rode the ‘digital revolution’ wave in the late… Continue reading Is It Really Worth It? Recent Advancements in Hearing Aid Technology

Improve Your Hearing at Work

  Hearing loss can pose a host of hurdles, with some of the most stressful ones occurring at work. Whether it’s applying or interviewing for a new position, or maintaining a current one, hearing problems can make a difficult task even harder. Unlike problems with eyesight or movement, hearing loss is dubbed the “invisible disability”… Continue reading Improve Your Hearing at Work