PSAP or Hearing Aid?

We live in an era of instant, online gratification.  Need a new dress? It can be here in 24 hours.  Need a new TV?  Hop online, compare prices and purchase in under an hour. Have a sore throat?  There’s now an app where you can engage with a licensed physician, show them your throat, and… Continue reading PSAP or Hearing Aid?

Why Two Hearing Aids Are Always Better Than One

Millions of people around the world are now affected by hearing loss and the effects it can have on relationships and daily life. When hearing loss becomes a concern, the decision to see a professional for a hearing evaluation and get fitted for hearing aids can be a big one. You may wonder how hearing… Continue reading Why Two Hearing Aids Are Always Better Than One

Will Hearing Aids And Artificial Intelligence Be The Wave Of The Future?

Hearing aids are a technological wonder.  A tiny, sleek device that restores hearing and the ability to stay connected to the sounds of everyday life is miraculous enough, but the evolution of the hearing aid continues to assimilate the best that innovative discoveries bring to our lives.  The hearing aid has kept pace with digital… Continue reading Will Hearing Aids And Artificial Intelligence Be The Wave Of The Future?

The Difference Between Personal Sound Amplifiers and Hearing Aids

Personal Sound Amplifiers (PSAPs) have been gaining popularity lately as a potential lower-cost alternative to a standard hearing aid. Most hearing healthcare providers acknowledge that lower-cost (or better health insurance coverage!) options are critical to improving adoption of hearing aid devices to improve quality of life for their patients. However, PSAPs are not hearing aids… Continue reading The Difference Between Personal Sound Amplifiers and Hearing Aids