What You Should Know About The Audiology Patient Choice Act

Hearing loss is a condition that affects an estimated 38 million Americans, and with an aging population, that number is only expected to grow in the coming years. With so many people now diagnosed with or reporting some level of hearing loss, researchers and government representatives alike are standing up and taking notice. The most… Continue reading What You Should Know About The Audiology Patient Choice Act

Concerned About Hearing Loss? You Might Want to Brush Your Teeth

While many of us are concerned about how exposure to loud noises can affect our hearing health, it turns out that we’ve been ignoring a critical aspect of hearing loss for far too long – our mouths. When we slack off on brushing and flossing our teeth, we start to develop harmful bacteria in our… Continue reading Concerned About Hearing Loss? You Might Want to Brush Your Teeth

Tips To Keep In Mind When Celebrating Your Mom’s First Mother’s Day With A Hearing Aid

This Mother’s Day, like so many Mother’s Days before it, will be filled with flowers and cards, brunches, and special trips out. No matter what age, mothers everywhere will enjoy this special day filled with warm thoughts, loving embraces, and kind words. And while being surrounded by loved ones is often gift enough, most of… Continue reading Tips To Keep In Mind When Celebrating Your Mom’s First Mother’s Day With A Hearing Aid

Looking For A Quiet Restaurant? There’s An App For That

Hearing aids improve quality of life for users. Studies have even shown that treating hearing loss can have a positive impact on feelings of depression, anxiety and social isolation. Adjusting to using a hearing aid does take some time and each person has to figure out the model and protocols that work best for them.… Continue reading Looking For A Quiet Restaurant? There’s An App For That

This New Drug May Prevent Hearing Loss

These days there seems to be a pill for just about everything, but could the next one on the horizon really help prevent hearing loss? A new study may prove that the answer to that question is, “yes.” Oricula Therapeutics of Seattle, whose scientists work at the University of Washington and Fred Hutch Cancer Research… Continue reading This New Drug May Prevent Hearing Loss

3D Printing Could Revolutionize the Hearing Aid Industry

These days, technology is advancing at lightning speed. Things we thought impossible just a few years ago are now making their way into everyday life leaving us marveling at the possibilities of science. One such advancement has been 3D printing capabilities. You may have heard of 3D printing in recent years, but this exciting new… Continue reading 3D Printing Could Revolutionize the Hearing Aid Industry

How SoundPrint Can Help Those With Hearing Loss

Have you ever wished for an easy way to find quieter restaurants and bars? If you have been diagnosed with hearing loss, chances are you’ve spent time researching noise levels at venues. One of the biggest concerns for those with hearing loss is background noise, and a new app called SoundPrint promises to help alleviate… Continue reading How SoundPrint Can Help Those With Hearing Loss

Great News For Tax Season, Your Hearing Aids Are Deductible!

It is that time of year again. Tax season. As April 15 quickly approaches, you may be scrambling to get your tax documents in order. If you or a loved one is hearing impaired, there may be a pleasant surprise waiting for you. Hearing aids are tax deductible! The good news does not stop there.… Continue reading Great News For Tax Season, Your Hearing Aids Are Deductible!

Are Hearing Aids Tax Deductible?

Since hearing aids are medical devices, they may qualify for tax deductions based on an individual’s income for a given tax year. Before making any tax filing decisions, please consult a professional tax preparer. Medical deductions exist to aid taxpayers facing significant medical costs in a tax year. Historically, the threshold for claiming a medical… Continue reading Are Hearing Aids Tax Deductible?

PSAP or Hearing Aid?

We live in an era of instant, online gratification.  Need a new dress? It can be here in 24 hours.  Need a new TV?  Hop online, compare prices and purchase in under an hour. Have a sore throat?  There’s now an app where you can engage with a licensed physician, show them your throat, and… Continue reading PSAP or Hearing Aid?