The Ventriloquist Effect: How Hearing and Visual Cues May Work Together

There is no doubt that the human body is a complicated machine that we are only just beginning to understand. Its different systems work together in ways we can’t yet even imagine to think, move, feel and more. Ever-curious and intrepid scientists continue to question what we know and unravel the mysteries of the human… Continue reading The Ventriloquist Effect: How Hearing and Visual Cues May Work Together

The City That Never Sleeps Is Quite Loud: A New Study On Noise Pollution And How To Protect Your Hearing Health

A new study in New York City is investigating whether or not the racket and cacophony of daily life might have a negative impact on our hearing health. Funded by the National Science Foundation, researchers from New York University and Ohio State University are conducting the first phase of a five-year program called Sounds of… Continue reading The City That Never Sleeps Is Quite Loud: A New Study On Noise Pollution And How To Protect Your Hearing Health

Investigational Hearing Protection Drug Given FDA Clearance for Human Testing

Oricula Therapeutics, a Seattle-based biotech, has received FDA clearance to begin volunteer human testing for their investigational drug ORC-13661. ORC-13661 is being studied for its potential to preserve hearing by protecting the ear hair cells of patients taking antibiotics known to cause hearing damage. The human testing will evaluate the safety, tolerability, and the movement… Continue reading Investigational Hearing Protection Drug Given FDA Clearance for Human Testing

This New Drug May Prevent Hearing Loss

These days there seems to be a pill for just about everything, but could the next one on the horizon really help prevent hearing loss? A new study may prove that the answer to that question is, “yes.” Oricula Therapeutics of Seattle, whose scientists work at the University of Washington and Fred Hutch Cancer Research… Continue reading This New Drug May Prevent Hearing Loss

All About Hereditary Hearing Loss

There are several ways that genetics can play a role in hearing loss.  Hearing loss or deafness can be experienced from birth, genetic mutations can make certain people more susceptible to age and noise-related hearing loss, and someone can inherit a gene mutation that does not manifest with them but may result in hearing loss… Continue reading All About Hereditary Hearing Loss

Spider Silk May Be The Key To Better Hearing Aids

Can you imagine that future advancements in hearing devices may be dependent upon one of the most creepy and hated insects alive? While most people may simply laugh at the idea that a spider may hold the key to developing more effective hearing aids, a study conducted in October 2017 indicates this eight-legged creature may… Continue reading Spider Silk May Be The Key To Better Hearing Aids

The Unsettling Link Between Hearing Loss and Dementia

Over recent years, there has been an increased focus on the impact of hearing loss beyond communication. Yes, it can prove bothersome when having a conversation in noisy places such as a restaurant, but it’s the less obvious impact to our health and our mind that is causing experts to sound the alarm about the… Continue reading The Unsettling Link Between Hearing Loss and Dementia