Big Data Is Here

BIG DATA IS HERE It’s not in the distant future; It’s not coming soon.  It’s here, right now.  And it’s in hearing aids!  The instruments I’m wearing right now are connected to my telephone, my telephone is connected to the internet and the internet is connected to the world. Depending on how much or less… Continue reading Big Data Is Here

Improve Your Hearing at Work

  Hearing loss can pose a host of hurdles, with some of the most stressful ones occurring at work. Whether it’s applying or interviewing for a new position, or maintaining a current one, hearing problems can make a difficult task even harder. Unlike problems with eyesight or movement, hearing loss is dubbed the “invisible disability”… Continue reading Improve Your Hearing at Work

Improve Your Hearing at Work

  Hearing loss can pose a host of hurdles, with some of the most stressful ones occurring at work. Whether it’s applying or interviewing for a new position, or maintaining a current one, hearing problems can make a difficult task even harder. Unlike problems with eyesight or movement, hearing loss is dubbed the “invisible disability”… Continue reading Improve Your Hearing at Work