Can an ear infection cause hearing loss?

Every year, ear infections rank among the top reasons that parents take their children to a pediatrician. Ear infections can be painful and frustrating for small children. Even more seriously, ear infections have been linked to hearing loss. Here is everything you should know about ear infections and hearing loss. First, it’s important to note… Continue reading Can an ear infection cause hearing loss?

Sick and Tired of Listening?

Life can be hectic and overwhelming which can make you feel exhausted. But it shouldn’t happen on a regular basis. If you feel tired often at the end of the day and your medical checkup comes back clean, you might consider making an appointment with a hearing health professional. It’s possible you’re suffering from listening… Continue reading Sick and Tired of Listening?

5 Hearing Aid Myths That Could Be Hurting Your Hearing

Hearing loss is more common than you may think, but that doesn’t mean that everyone who could benefit from using hearing aids opts to use them. Experts estimate that approximately 15% of Americans (almost 40 million of them) over the age of 18 have trouble hearing. Of those, almost 30 million could benefit from using… Continue reading 5 Hearing Aid Myths That Could Be Hurting Your Hearing

Smartphone Hearing Apps and What You Should Know

Of the approximately 48 million people across the U.S. that are affected by hearing loss, surveys have shown that people often wait years after discovering their hearing loss to purchase a hearing device, sometimes up to 15 years. While the transition could be immediate due to a traumatic incident, hearing loss is more often a… Continue reading Smartphone Hearing Apps and What You Should Know

How Genetics May Put You At Risk for Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

The field of genetics is growing like wildfire. The headlines about it often sound like science fiction, with new findings and uses that most of us could never have imagined just a few decades ago. It’s far beyond the probability of eye or hair color. Genetics and genetic testing can help us understand or risk… Continue reading How Genetics May Put You At Risk for Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

The Hearing Center at Eye Consultants of Atlanta is Proud to Support the Hearing Health Foundation

As the holiday season ends, we’re reminded of all the things we’re thankful for. Not only are we grateful to support our patients with their hearing concerns, but we appreciate the opportunity to help others in need. It’s not just the immediate people around us that can benefit from generosity; you can make a difference… Continue reading The Hearing Center at Eye Consultants of Atlanta is Proud to Support the Hearing Health Foundation

How Important are your Hearing Aids?

Do you have a gym membership that you seldom use? How about that electric mixer you just HAD to have but only pull out twice a year? Do your hearing aids sit in a drawer, unused, day after day? Our society often purchases things they perceive as needed or wanted, then ends up relegating them… Continue reading How Important are your Hearing Aids?

Don’t Take Your Hearing for Granted

With approximately 37.5 million adults within the U.S. alone reported to have hearing loss, that’s roughly one out of every five people we interact with every day. When opened to the world’s population, that number jumps significantly to nearly 750 million adults. Though it’s true that hearing decreases more as people age, over half a… Continue reading Don’t Take Your Hearing for Granted

How to Improve Your Balance with Yoga

According to Temple University research, women 65 and older who took twice-weekly yoga classes for nine weeks increased ankle flexibility and showed more confidence in walking. Flexibility and confidence? Sign us up!   What Is Balance? Yoga can help with two types of balance — both physical and emotional. World-renowned yoga teacher B.K.S. Iyengar said… Continue reading How to Improve Your Balance with Yoga