The Connection Between Low Iron and Hearing Loss

Our bodies require iron to grow, develop, and function properly, however, we aren’t equipped to make our own supply. It must be acquired through dietary measures or supplements. Without enough of this valuable mineral, we may suffer from iron-deficiency anemia (IDA), though this is only one of several forms of anemia. According to the American… Continue reading The Connection Between Low Iron and Hearing Loss

Can a Virus Cause Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss is one of the most common disabilities around the globe. Affecting approximately 466 million people worldwide, or more than five percent of the global population, the loss of hearing has become one of the most frequent reasons people visit their doctor. While it’s more widely known that it can stem from aging, exposure… Continue reading Can a Virus Cause Hearing Loss?

Can Vitamins Protect Your Hearing?

Every day people across this nation take vitamins and nutritional supplements in an effort to meet their daily recommended amounts. In fact, as many as 86 percent, or four out of five people are shown to include additional vitamins and supplements in their diet according to the American Osteopathic Association. For those who have vitamin… Continue reading Can Vitamins Protect Your Hearing?

Can Vitamins Help Protect Your Hearing?

Though some damage to your ears like tinnitus or exposure to dangerous volumes is irreversible, there are ways to protect your hearing before that damage occurs. Avoiding loud noises and using proper protection when exposed are obvious ways to keep your hearing in tip-top shape, but your diet can also play a critical role in… Continue reading Can Vitamins Help Protect Your Hearing?

From Mild to Profound: Understanding The Different Degrees of Hearing Loss

Whether you have acquired your hearing loss over time or were simply born with it, every member of the hard of hearing community has a unique degree of hearing loss that affects them in their own way. Though hearing loss is complex and unique to each person, the severity of your hearing loss can be… Continue reading From Mild to Profound: Understanding The Different Degrees of Hearing Loss

How Do Low Iron Levels Affect Hearing Loss?

Low iron levels, or iron deficiency anemia, is a common condition. It is estimated that approximately 20 percent of women, 50 percent of pregnant women, and 3 percent of men do not consume enough iron. Hearing loss is also a common condition. Approximately 15 percent of adults aged 18 and older report some difficulty hearing.… Continue reading How Do Low Iron Levels Affect Hearing Loss?

The Link Between Viruses And Hearing Loss

Viral infections can cause hearing loss. Viral infections can directly injure inner ear structures, induce inflammatory responses, or increase susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infections leading to hearing loss. The loss of hearing that is a product of viruses can be congenital or acquired, unilateral, or bilateral. Sensorineural hearing loss is most common, although conductive… Continue reading The Link Between Viruses And Hearing Loss

The Connection Between Viruses and Hearing Loss

When you think of the causes of hearing loss, what do you think of? If you are like most people, you probably first consider age-related hearing loss or noise-induced hearing loss. While these are both common causes of hearing loss, they are certainly not the only factors that can lead to hearing loss. Certain viruses… Continue reading The Connection Between Viruses and Hearing Loss

OFFICE CLOSURE UPDATE – Curb side services still available!

Dear Patients of the Hearing Center, Your providers at Eye Consultants of Atlanta are closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak via the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Georgia Department of Health (DPH) and World Health Organization (WHO). Our country is facing a challenging situation that is continually changing and we continue to update our business… Continue reading OFFICE CLOSURE UPDATE – Curb side services still available!

Why a Shocking Number of People Are Not Wearing Hearing Aids

Does your spouse tell you to turn the television down on a regular basis? Do you have to ask your friends to repeat themselves whenever you get together? Is talking on the phone a tiresome task that you’d rather not bother with? According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Diseases, there are… Continue reading Why a Shocking Number of People Are Not Wearing Hearing Aids