Exploring the Connection Between Hearing Loss and Falls

Hearing loss is often perceived as a condition that primarily affects one’s ability to hear and communicate. However, its impact goes far beyond auditory perception. In recent years, researchers have discovered a significant and somewhat surprising connection between hearing loss and an increased risk of falls. This connection is not just a mere coincidence but… Continue reading Exploring the Connection Between Hearing Loss and Falls

Understanding Somatic Tinnitus: The Mind-Body Connection

Tinnitus, often described as a ringing, buzzing, or hissing sound in the ears, affects millions of people worldwide. While it’s generally associated with issues in the auditory system, there’s a lesser-known form of tinnitus that originates from the somatic system, known as somatic tinnitus. In this blog post, we will explore what somatic tinnitus is,… Continue reading Understanding Somatic Tinnitus: The Mind-Body Connection

The Surprising Link between Pain Reliever Use and Tinnitus

Tinnitus, often described as a ringing, buzzing, or humming sound in the ears, is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While it is commonly associated with exposure to loud noises or age-related hearing loss, recent studies have uncovered a surprising connection between the use of pain relievers and the development or exacerbation of… Continue reading The Surprising Link between Pain Reliever Use and Tinnitus

Understanding Ear Drainage: Causes, Symptoms, and When to Seek Help

Our ears are remarkable organs responsible for both hearing and maintaining our sense of balance. However, like any part of our body, they can sometimes experience issues that warrant attention. One such concern is ear drainage, a condition that can range from mild and temporary to more severe and potentially indicative of an underlying problem.… Continue reading Understanding Ear Drainage: Causes, Symptoms, and When to Seek Help

What You Should Know About Asymmetrical Hearing Loss

If your hearing loss is worse in one ear than the other, you may have asymmetrical hearing loss. Here is what you need to know about asymmetrical hearing loss. What is asymmetrical hearing loss? Asymmetrical hearing loss refers to a condition in which there is a difference in hearing ability between the two ears. This… Continue reading What You Should Know About Asymmetrical Hearing Loss

How to Train Your Brain to Better Hear in Noise

When you listen, you focus on one source of sound, such as the voice of the person you are talking to or the TV show you are watching. Your brain automatically filters out background noise, such as traffic noise, background music, or other conversations happening around you. This can be difficult in some circumstances, and… Continue reading How to Train Your Brain to Better Hear in Noise

New Study Shows the Benefits of Hearing Birds

If you have untreated hearing loss, you might be missing a lot of sounds in your everyday life. You might have difficulty understanding speech, making conversations with your family and friends challenging. You might not be able to hear your favorite music, movies, or TV shows without turning the volume up much higher than you… Continue reading New Study Shows the Benefits of Hearing Birds

Hearing Loss and Sleep Apnea

If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, your doctor may have told you that sleep apnea puts you at increased risk for a number of other health conditions, including heart problems, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, liver problems, and more. However, did you know that sleep apnea also increases your risk… Continue reading Hearing Loss and Sleep Apnea

Mounting Evidence Suggests Connections between Hearing Loss and Cognitive Impairment – Even in Young Adults

Over the past several years, studies have indicated a connection between hearing loss and cognitive impairment. While this connection may not be intuitive, mounting evidence from studies across different age groups shows that such a connection does exist. The majority of past studies focused on older adults, and the findings indicated connections between increased prevalence… Continue reading Mounting Evidence Suggests Connections between Hearing Loss and Cognitive Impairment – Even in Young Adults