Clear Face Masks May Improve Communication For People With Hearing Loss

Face masks have become a part of our everyday lives, but they create challenges for people with hearing loss. One of the greatest challenges is how face masks obscure facial expressions and mouth movements that aid in communication. In addition, the use of a face mask can decrease a speaker’s volume by up to 10… Continue reading Clear Face Masks May Improve Communication For People With Hearing Loss

Hearing Aids: Proper Cleaning And General Maintenance

Many would agree that being able to stay in touch with family, friends, and coworkers has never been more important. Your hearing aids provide an important bridge to maintaining a connection with the world around you, so keeping them at peak performance is key. We understand that in-person appointments may not always be an option.… Continue reading Hearing Aids: Proper Cleaning And General Maintenance

The Science Of Hearing Aids

You probably know what hearing aids look like, and you likely know that wearing one may significantly improve your quality of life if you have hearing loss. But do you know how hearing aids really work? The answer isn’t overly complicated. Once you understand, you’ll see how a hearing aid can truly make a difference… Continue reading The Science Of Hearing Aids

Tips For Improved Hearing During Virtual Meetings

Working and socializing look much different than they did a few months ago. The COVID-19 pandemic has moved many personal and professional interactions to virtual meeting platforms. For people with hearing loss, this shift can be problematic. Zoom, Skype, Facetime, Microsoft Teams and other platforms help keep people in touch while remaining socially distant, but… Continue reading Tips For Improved Hearing During Virtual Meetings

Hearing Aid Batteries: How To Optimize Battery Life And Power

Your hearing aids give you the freedom to fully embrace the world around you. While regular and thorough cleaning of your hearing aids keep them running in top-form, the battery provides the “juice” to power their performance. If making an appointment with your Hearing Professional is not an option, follow these basic tips to help… Continue reading Hearing Aid Batteries: How To Optimize Battery Life And Power