Before stepping out of the front door, do you worry whether your hearing aids can compete with the noisy environments of your social life? Are you interested in protecting your hearing from damage? Attending loud concerts or catching the game at your local stadium are great activities that we know will include high volumes in… Continue reading How the App ?SoundPrint? Is Helping Plan Your Next Hearing-Friendly Night Out
Category: hearingcare5ave
Hearing Insurance Might Make Hearing Aids More Accessible
Let?s face it: Hearing aids are expensive. While hearing aids can be life-changing for people with hearing loss, their high cost makes them inaccessible for a significant number of people who would otherwise benefit from these devices. Although the vast majority of us pay into some form of health insurance plan each month, few, if… Continue reading Hearing Insurance Might Make Hearing Aids More Accessible
Why We Need Universal Hearing Screenings in Our Schools
We all have memories of our school-aged days of nurse?s offices, large headphones, and raising our hand corresponding with the beep, but these tests were not just a comical excuse to get out of class, they were critically important. With every 3 out of 1000 children being born with detectable hearing loss, these tests are… Continue reading Why We Need Universal Hearing Screenings in Our Schools
Wearing a Hearing Aid Might Help Your Brain
Age-related hearing loss is all too common in our modern world. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) estimates that one in three Americans between the ages of 65 and 74 has hearing loss while almost half of all individuals over 75 have trouble with their hearing. With stats like that, it?s… Continue reading Wearing a Hearing Aid Might Help Your Brain
Beginning Your Hearing Aid Journey
To those with unrestricted hearing, the tweet of a bird or the sound of waves crashing might be taken for granted. For people who live with any form of hearing loss, being able to hear those simple sounds can be awe inspiring. While the thought of wearing hearing aids for the first time can be… Continue reading Beginning Your Hearing Aid Journey
A Better Night?s Sleep With Earplugs
Did you know that as many as 40 percent of Americans say that they don?t get enough sleep? This statistic from Gallup may not surprise those who already know they could use more sleep. What may be surprising are the latest findings on just how much a lack of sleep affects our health and well-being.… Continue reading A Better Night?s Sleep With Earplugs
Giving New Life with Old Hearing Aids
When you?re ready to upgrade to a new hearing device, what on earth do you do with the old, used ones you?ve had for years? Recycle them of course! Through the gift of giving, your old hearing aids can be cleaned and refurbished and given to someone in need. People often go without hearing devices… Continue reading Giving New Life with Old Hearing Aids
Could Exercise Harm Your Hearing Health?
?When it comes to health and well-being, regular exercise is about as close to a magic potion as you can get.? -Tich Nhat Hanh Throughout history, exercise has been embraced for improving health. These days, the benefits of exercise are splashed across headlines almost every day. It can help improve cardiovascular health, reduce the risk… Continue reading Could Exercise Harm Your Hearing Health?
Tips and Tricks for Job Hunting with Hearing Loss
Job hunting under normal circumstances can be a stressful venture. The unsureness of change, finding the right fit, and then being awarded the position. Making your way in a new workplace, being a successful and productive addition to a new team are all big and potentially intimidating changes any job hunter faces. When you live… Continue reading Tips and Tricks for Job Hunting with Hearing Loss
Exciting New Options and Technological Advancements for Auditory Rehabilitation
Since the first electronic hearing aid was invented in 1898, hearing health technology has significantly advanced in terms of portability, effectiveness, and sophistication. Even with advancements in technology making every facet of life easier than it has ever been, out of 35 million American?s with hearing loss, 25 millions still do not own hearing aids… Continue reading Exciting New Options and Technological Advancements for Auditory Rehabilitation