Q-Tips Have an Impact on Hearing Health

The human body is truly an amazing thing. It has the ability to repair itself. The human nose can differentiate between 1 trillion various smells. We can even create a whole new life. We’re also equipped with a natural way of cleaning our ears. Earwax. It’s kind of gross, kind of irritating, and can be… Continue reading Q-Tips Have an Impact on Hearing Health

Hearing Solutions of North Georgia is Proud to Support the Hearing Health Foundation

As the holiday season ends, we’re reminded of all the things we’re thankful for. Not only are we grateful to support our patients with their hearing concerns, but we appreciate the opportunity to help others in need. It’s not just the immediate people around us that can benefit from generosity; you can make a difference… Continue reading Hearing Solutions of North Georgia is Proud to Support the Hearing Health Foundation

How to Know If You Have a Ruptured Eardrum

Aches and pains aren’t unusual. They come in all shapes and sizes and for too many reasons to count. But, what happens when they affect your ear? Pain here could be something simple and minor, or it could indicate something more serious like a ruptured eardrum. Here’s what you need to know about the signs… Continue reading How to Know If You Have a Ruptured Eardrum

4 Tips to Best Communicate with Those with Hearing Loss

“Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity.” -Nat Turner Communication is an essential part of our lives. Whether it’s with family or friends, the checker at the grocery store, the agent at our insurance company or someone else, effective communication can make all the difference. Communication, effective communication, especially, is also something we… Continue reading 4 Tips to Best Communicate with Those with Hearing Loss

Living in Isolation- Social Seclusion for those with Hearing Loss

For many people, social interaction is a must. You see family, friends, coworkers, strangers in the grocery store. You make conversation with them and chat about your day, future plans, and how your kids did in their sporting events. It can be a very different picture for someone living with hearing loss. The frustration of… Continue reading Living in Isolation- Social Seclusion for those with Hearing Loss

Getting Your Ear Tickled Might Slow The Aging Process

No one likes getting older. As we age, our bodies slow down and we experience a plethora of health issues, from changes in vision to decreasing muscle mass. These physical changes, along with the increased risk of developing dementia, make aging something that the vast majority of us would love to avoid. Unfortunately, there’s nothing… Continue reading Getting Your Ear Tickled Might Slow The Aging Process

The Risks of Concussions on Your Hearing Brain

Concussions have garnered worldwide attention for their effects on players in the NFL, professional boxers, and their relations to sudden deaths, making them a dangerous reality for many athletes and recreation enthusiasts. In fact, the CDC estimates between 1.6-3.8 million sports and recreation-related concussions occur every year. With such a high volume of cases, this… Continue reading The Risks of Concussions on Your Hearing Brain

Water in Your Ears? Here’s What to do

We’ve all experienced it before: You get out of the pool, wrap up in a towel, and dry off, but you still have water in your ears. As much as you try to shake your head and get that pesky water out of your ears, it just won’t budge. Minutes and hours tick by, your… Continue reading Water in Your Ears? Here’s What to do

Are You Missing Out Due to Hearing Loss?

Do you feel like your missing out on important details when you are talking with friends? Do coworkers look at you expectantly during a conversation but you’re not sure why? Are family members getting frustrated with you or accusing you of not paying attention? You may be dealing with some form of hearing loss. Many… Continue reading Are You Missing Out Due to Hearing Loss?