Loud Places Affect Your Hearing. This is What You Can Do About Them.

On any given day, we expose ourselves to a wide variety of environmental sounds. For the most part, these sounds are at safe levels that do not damage our ability to hear. However, noise can be detrimental to our hearing when it is too loud or is long-lasting. Sustained exposure to these types of sounds… Continue reading Loud Places Affect Your Hearing. This is What You Can Do About Them.

How to Communicate More Compassionately With People With Hearing Loss

Before we truly even notice it, our lives are enriched by the sounds around us. Whether that be the laughter of a close friend or a night out at your local club, sound connects us to the world and to our loved ones. Without this ability, our quality of life and our understanding of the… Continue reading How to Communicate More Compassionately With People With Hearing Loss

Harsh Sounds Can Cause Discomfort And Brain Disturbance

Have you ever considered why loud sounds such as alarms or screams quickly make you take notice? Neuroscientists are curious, and they are analyzing how we listen to a range of different sounds. The central objective of the research is to examine the extent to which repetitive sound frequencies are considered to be unpleasant. The… Continue reading Harsh Sounds Can Cause Discomfort And Brain Disturbance

Alexa Is Ready to Test Your Hearing

Life seems to be busier than ever before. With work, kids’ activities, appointments, shopping, errands and more, it can seem like there’s never enough time. It’s easy to let some things fall by the wayside or find quicker ways to get them done. That includes hearing tests. With some of the new alternatives starting to… Continue reading Alexa Is Ready to Test Your Hearing

Hearing Loops Improve Travel For People With Hearing Loss

Traveling with a hearing loss can be difficult. Of course, there is a list of extra hearing aid items that one must bring with them, but there is also the worry of not being able to communicate on the road. Hearing Loops are making travel communication much easier for people with hearing loss. Also known… Continue reading Hearing Loops Improve Travel For People With Hearing Loss

This Could Be Your Secret Weapon For Maintaining Brain Function

Science never sleeps, and so researchers always seem to be uncovering new information and new connections to help improve our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. That includes our hearing health. In recent years, much as been discovered and learned about hearing, including how healthy hearing and hearing loss are connected to brain… Continue reading This Could Be Your Secret Weapon For Maintaining Brain Function

Salvaging The Hearing of Mice With Genetic Hearing Loss Brings Hope to People With Hearing Loss

Research teams at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital are using an innovative approach to the problem of genetic hearing loss. This new research uses a gene-editing method to salvage the hearing of mice with hereditary hearing loss. In a process that targets a bad copy of a gene while sparing the good gene,… Continue reading Salvaging The Hearing of Mice With Genetic Hearing Loss Brings Hope to People With Hearing Loss

Annual Wellness Visits & Hearing Loss Checks

When was your last annual wellness checkup? If you are like many other adults, you might not actually get your annual checkup on an annual basis. However, staying consistent on your annual wellness checks can help you stay abreast of your overall health and any emerging health conditions. With early identification, medical professionals can better… Continue reading Annual Wellness Visits & Hearing Loss Checks

Tinnitus Linked to Suicide in UK Survey

Imagine a sound from which you could never escape. A constant ringing or buzzing in your ear that followed you from the moment you woke, through the day, and as long as it could into the night. A sound that only you could hear. Or maybe ordinary sounds that are too loud for you but… Continue reading Tinnitus Linked to Suicide in UK Survey

How To Choose The Perfect Hearing Aid For Your Active Lifestyle

Hearing loss does not have to mean the loss of your active lifestyle, whether that be playing sports, hiking, or enjoying the great outdoors. With more than a quarter of hearing aid users reporting dissatisfaction, making a change when addressing your hearing and lifestyle needs have become more and more important to living a full… Continue reading How To Choose The Perfect Hearing Aid For Your Active Lifestyle