Living with Untreated Hearing Loss

Have you ever considered the difference hearing can make in day-to-day life?  If you haven’t yet experienced hearing loss, you may wonder just what it would be like to have a limited sense of hearing. How would your communication change? What impact would a hearing loss have on the things you do every day? It… Continue reading Living with Untreated Hearing Loss

Surprising Risk Factors For Hearing Loss

When many of us consider the classic risk factors for hearing loss, we think of things such as a traumatic injury or a lifetime of exposure to loud noise. While these events and environmental issues are, indeed, significant risk factors for hearing loss, there are many other risk factors for hearing loss that fly under… Continue reading Surprising Risk Factors For Hearing Loss

How To Avoid Losing Your Hearing Aids

Losing the ability to hear is bad enough, but what if you lose your hearing aids too? Losing hearing aids is more common than you might think. If your hearing aids are not in your ears or a safe storage container when not in use, there is no limit to the ways a hearing aid… Continue reading How To Avoid Losing Your Hearing Aids

Researchers Identify A New Part Of The Age-Related Hearing Loss Puzzle

For many of us, hearing loss is just another part of getting older. It’s well known at this point that as we age, we start to slow down and change in a number of ways. Although everyone is unique, for many people, the aging process comes with decreased mobility and diminished sensory capacities, including hearing… Continue reading Researchers Identify A New Part Of The Age-Related Hearing Loss Puzzle

Family Engagement Is Vital For The Success Of The Child With Hearing Loss

The majority of children with hearing loss have parents and siblings with normal hearing. Because the family’s hearing is normal, understanding and empathizing with the child that has hearing loss may create a challenge. New research indicates that engagement by the family of a child with hearing loss is vital to early development and academic… Continue reading Family Engagement Is Vital For The Success Of The Child With Hearing Loss

The Emotional Ramifications Of Hearing Health Decline

The increased rate of hearing loss in the older population seems to be common knowledge these days. According to Starkey, people ages 65 and older are five times more likely to suffer from hearing loss than younger people. The instances of hearing loss get even larger the older you get, too. Out of all those… Continue reading The Emotional Ramifications Of Hearing Health Decline

Researchers Find Link Between Premature Death And Hearing Loss

Hearing loss profoundly affects a person’s life in several ways. The inability to hear and interact with the world negatively impacts one’s physical health, emotional health, social skills, family relationships, academic and work performance, and self-esteem. As if a hearing loss by itself were not frustrating and isolating enough, several studies have now linked it… Continue reading Researchers Find Link Between Premature Death And Hearing Loss

Singing Could Be Key to Building Communication Skills for Children with Hearing Impairment

“I would teach children music, physics, and philosophy; but most importantly music, for the patterns in music and all the arts are the keys to learning”  -Plato The importance of music as part of a well-rounded education has been recognized for centuries. In more recent years, music has also been connected with math and science… Continue reading Singing Could Be Key to Building Communication Skills for Children with Hearing Impairment

Troubleshooting The Most Common Hearing Aid Problems

Hearing aids are incredible minicomputers that are custom fit and programmed for an individual’s hearing needs. However, just like any other piece of technology, they do require attention. Regular maintenance and cleaning of hearing aids is a must and knowing how to make a few simple repairs can help make life much easier for hearing… Continue reading Troubleshooting The Most Common Hearing Aid Problems

Chronic Noise Exposure Linked To Cardiovascular Disease

Noise exposure is something we should all take seriously, especially for those of us who live or work in noisy environments. Much research has revealed the consequences of enduring exposure to noise pollution in terms of our hearing health. Working in factories, in construction industries, at airports, or even living in the city, can all… Continue reading Chronic Noise Exposure Linked To Cardiovascular Disease