How Artificial Intelligence (AI) can Help in the Management of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is defined as an intermittent or constant sound of ringing or buzzing in the ears when no external sound is present. Physiologically, tinnitus occurs when the inner ear hair cells, responsible for transforming sound waves into electrical signals, are damaged. The result is that the brain does not receive the signals it is expecting,… Continue reading How Artificial Intelligence (AI) can Help in the Management of Tinnitus

New Study Links Hearing Loss with Dementia in Older Adults

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Researchers have long known that hearing loss is associated with other medical conditions. A new study shows a link between hearing loss and dementia in older adults. Here is what you need to know about the study, its findings, and what you can do to help prevent dementia. The study was led by researchers at… Continue reading New Study Links Hearing Loss with Dementia in Older Adults