How Important are your Hearing Aids?

Do you have a gym membership that you seldom use? How about that electric mixer you just HAD to have but only pull out twice a year? Do your hearing aids sit in a drawer, unused, day after day? Our society often purchases things they perceive as needed or wanted, then ends up relegating them… Continue reading How Important are your Hearing Aids?

Why People Quit Wearing Hearing Aids

When you think of hearing aids, what comes to mind? How they can help manage hearing loss, help people stay engaged and socially active, and prevent health concerns such as depression and cognitive decline or the stories you’ve heard about uncomfortable fit, stereotypes, sound quality, and similar frustrations? Let’s be honest. Hearing aids are game-changers,… Continue reading Why People Quit Wearing Hearing Aids

Hearing Aids; Why We Don?t Wear Them And Why We Should

Research indicates that 15 percent of American adults have some degree of hearing loss. Surprisingly, of the 28.8 million Americans who have hearing loss, fewer than 16 percent of them use a hearing aid. What are the reasons for this disparity? Why would anyone elect not to use a device that is beneficial to their… Continue reading Hearing Aids; Why We Don?t Wear Them And Why We Should

What Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Mean for Audiology

The hearing health care industry is changing rapidly. From technological advances in diagnosis and hearing loss solutions to hearing aid accessibility itself, hearing healthcare professionals are racing to keep up and continue to serve patients at the highest level. This shift has become even more apparent with the recent approval of over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids.… Continue reading What Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Mean for Audiology

Winter Weather Vs. Hearing Aids; How To Protect Them This Winter

Winter means snow, ice, and taking extra precautions to keep yourself safe. For individuals who wear hearing aids, it also means taking steps to protect the sensitive electronics in the devices. Moisture and freezing temperatures can damage hearing aids or keep them from optimal performance. As the snow falls, and the thermostat drops, take precautions… Continue reading Winter Weather Vs. Hearing Aids; How To Protect Them This Winter

What You Should Know About The Audiology Patient Choice Act

Hearing loss is a condition that affects an estimated 38 million Americans, and with an aging population, that number is only expected to grow in the coming years. With so many people now diagnosed with or reporting some level of hearing loss, researchers and government representatives alike are standing up and taking notice. The most… Continue reading What You Should Know About The Audiology Patient Choice Act