The Next Generation of Hearing Devices

Hearing aids have become an essential device for millions of Americans living with hearing loss. They help people with hearing loss communicate more effectively, enjoy hobbies, engage with friends and family, and live life more fully. All of this with a powerful little device that can often fit neatly inside an ear canal. Hearing aids… Continue reading The Next Generation of Hearing Devices

Are Preschools Too Noisy? Hearing Implications For Early Childhood Teachers

It’s about 5:00 pm after a long day of work and you hop in the car to buzz over to your child’s preschool center to pick them up before dinner. As you open the door, you’re instantly greeted with a familiar sound – the loud, joyful glee of a couple dozen little ones and the… Continue reading Are Preschools Too Noisy? Hearing Implications For Early Childhood Teachers

Your Sweet Tooth Might Be Good For Your Hearing

Halloween isn’t quite yet upon us, but when it arrives, don’t be too quick to limit yourself to just one chocolate a day: It turns out that chocolate might actually be good for your overall hearing health. Sure, modern candies are full of sugar and other non-nutritional foodstuffs, but chocolate, particularly the dark kind, has… Continue reading Your Sweet Tooth Might Be Good For Your Hearing

Listening Activities To Help The Adjustment To A Hearing Aid

Getting a hearing aid for the first time can feel a bit overwhelming. The temptation for many of us adjusting to life with a new hearing aid is to only use it when we feel like we really need it. We may not have it on at home, but take it with us if we’re… Continue reading Listening Activities To Help The Adjustment To A Hearing Aid

Tips for Protecting Your Ears in Cold Weather

When the weather outside is frightful, make sure to dress appropriately and think layers. Our bodies strive to maintain a core temperature around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, and being in a cold environment for extended periods of time interferes with that. The body uses several mechanisms to retain heat when faced with cold temperatures. First, it… Continue reading Tips for Protecting Your Ears in Cold Weather

A New Year For Hearing Health

With the new year upon us, many of us plan on making changes. Resolutions often include quitting smoking, eating healthier foods, losing weight, and working out more often. How about a new years resolution to preserve our hearing? Here are a few ideas to ring in a new year while protecting our hearing in the… Continue reading A New Year For Hearing Health

How to Keep Your Hearing Aids Happy

Long-time hearing aid wearers are well aware of the golden rule of hearing aid care: to never delay maintenance, cleanings, and minor repairs. Perhaps it’s because they’ve also learned the “Murphy’s Law” that seems to apply to hearing aids (and likely any other complex electronics that we’re heavily dependent on). This law appears to go… Continue reading How to Keep Your Hearing Aids Happy