The Rising Cost of Healthcare and its Effects on Untreated Hearing Loss

It comes as no surprise to most people that the cost of healthcare is rising year by year. From an increase in the cost of services to prescriptions, it can be noted across America. From the younger working class through retirees living on a fixed income, there are few that it has not touched. There… Continue reading The Rising Cost of Healthcare and its Effects on Untreated Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss and Keeping the Love Alive

Hearing loss can be attributed to many factors such as long-term exposure or a sudden blast of loud noise, sudden pressure changes, injury to the eardrum, the build-up of ear wax, or advanced age. Other reasons include medications that cause ototoxicity, diseases, and illness, or trauma to the head or neck. Whether it’s a sudden… Continue reading Hearing Loss and Keeping the Love Alive

How to Deal with Hearing Loss in Your Relationship

Valentine’s Day is coming up, and we hope you are spending this day with someone you love. If you or your loved one is experiencing hearing loss, you know that this condition can affect your relationships. Hearing loss can seriously impact your relationships with friends, family members, and even your partner or spouse. Unfortunately, the… Continue reading How to Deal with Hearing Loss in Your Relationship

Hearing Loss and Healthy Relationships

For over 48 million Americans, hearing loss is an aspect of their day to day life, possibly affecting their work, education, and friendships. But can hearing loss pose problems for your romantic relationships? Unfortunately, though it impacts the person struggling with a hearing loss far greater than the ones around them, studies show that this… Continue reading Hearing Loss and Healthy Relationships

How Untreated Hearing Loss Is Costing You More in Healthcare

For those in the deaf and hard of hearing community, hearing loss can be an expensive endeavor. With millions of Americans choosing to forgo hearing aids even though they can directly benefit, many are citing costs as the reason why. But penny-pinching when it comes to your hearing health may actually do more harm to… Continue reading How Untreated Hearing Loss Is Costing You More in Healthcare

Untreated Hearing Loss Comes With Unexpected Problems—Like Higher Healthcare Costs

Starting a new year means many things, including a new healthcare plan or plan renewal. Regardless of whether you select a new plan or renew your existing plan, your mind is certainly directed towards the potential medical costs that could come up this year. Maybe you have some medical costs that you are already aware… Continue reading Untreated Hearing Loss Comes With Unexpected Problems—Like Higher Healthcare Costs

How To Have A Better Valentine’s Day And Relationship Despite Hearing Loss

Valentine’s Day is not too far off, and if you are going to be celebrating with a significant other who has a hearing loss, there may be a few hurdles for you both to overcome. Hearing loss can be difficult for couples. Studies indicate that high numbers of people with hearing loss state that their… Continue reading How To Have A Better Valentine’s Day And Relationship Despite Hearing Loss

The Parts of a Hearing Aid & How It Works

Hearing aids are incredibly specialized little pieces of machinery. Over the past several years, they have become increasingly advanced. Although you probably don’t think much about the different components of your hearing aid and how they work, each one has a specific and important role in helping you hear more sounds. Below we will review… Continue reading The Parts of a Hearing Aid & How It Works

New Developments in Hearing Assisted Technology

When we’re out in a crowd waiting for someone, our brain and hearing work together to pick out their voice, even before we can see them walking our way. Parents who take their kids to the playground are super-tuned to their voices as well as their shrieks and giggles and can pick them out of… Continue reading New Developments in Hearing Assisted Technology

Mimicking The Brain’s Ability To Distinguish One Voice From Many With New Hearing Aid Technology

The brain does a fantastic job of picking out individual voices in noisy environments. This process, known as the cocktail party effect, is a remarkable human ability. This aptitude for understanding speech in the presence of noise is challenging for a person with hearing loss. Advanced hearing aids have trouble deciphering speech in noisy environments.… Continue reading Mimicking The Brain’s Ability To Distinguish One Voice From Many With New Hearing Aid Technology