Can an Ear Infection Result in Hearing Loss?

It’s the middle of the night and your toddler is crying, irritable, and unable to settle down. Your frustrated because they can’t tell you what’s wrong. Then you notice they’re tugging at one ear and the problem becomes apparent. The poor little bit probably has a middle ear infection. For parents of older children, they… Continue reading Can an Ear Infection Result in Hearing Loss?

Can Ear Infections Cause Hearing Loss?

It may start with a loss of appetite or a change in behavior. From there maybe a fever or tugging on the ear. The signs are all there – an ear infection. Most children will develop an ear infection at least once, and some will face chronic ear infections during their childhood. In many cases,… Continue reading Can Ear Infections Cause Hearing Loss?

Can an ear infection cause hearing loss?

Every year, ear infections rank among the top reasons that parents take their children to a pediatrician. Ear infections can be painful and frustrating for small children. Even more seriously, ear infections have been linked to hearing loss. Here is everything you should know about ear infections and hearing loss. First, it’s important to note… Continue reading Can an ear infection cause hearing loss?

Can Middle Ear Infections Cause Hearing Loss?

A hearing loss can be the product of many factors, including the aging process, injury, prolonged noise exposure, and heredity. These culprits affect your auditory nerve causing a sensorineural hearing loss. An infection of the middle ear can also cause you to have a hearing loss. Infections in the middle ear cause an accumulation of… Continue reading Can Middle Ear Infections Cause Hearing Loss?

Q-Tips Have an Impact on Hearing Health

The human body is truly an amazing thing. It has the ability to repair itself. The human nose can differentiate between 1 trillion various smells. We can even create a whole new life. We’re also equipped with a natural way of cleaning our ears. Earwax. It’s kind of gross, kind of irritating, and can be… Continue reading Q-Tips Have an Impact on Hearing Health

That Clogged Ear Feeling And What To Do About It

We’ve all felt it before – that uncomfortable, muffled sensation of having clogged ears. While we sometimes purposely try to plug our ears, whether in the form of earplug or our fingers, we sometimes suffer from this horrible feeling out of the blue. It turns out that there are quite a few reasons why your… Continue reading That Clogged Ear Feeling And What To Do About It

4 Complications Of Untreated Ear Infections

Have you ever had an ear infection? Chances are you considered it to be more of a pain (literally) and a nuisance than anything serious, but ear infections aren’t always as harmless as many believe. This common occurrence, seen in children primarily due to the size and position of their Eustachian tubes, is nothing to… Continue reading 4 Complications Of Untreated Ear Infections