Advancements in Hereditary Hearing Loss

Have you ever wondered why so many of your family members experience hearing loss around the same age? This pattern may not just be a simple coincidence but may actually be the result of a common problem called hereditary hearing loss. Since many forms of hearing problems are caused by genetics, researchers have been working… Continue reading Advancements in Hereditary Hearing Loss

The Impact Of Noise Pollution On Your Hearing Health

We hear about it all the time, how bad all this noise is for us. The sounds of the city around us during our morning commute, the construction noise going on just around the block from the office, the hum of appliances running all at once in a busy kitchen, the list goes on and… Continue reading The Impact Of Noise Pollution On Your Hearing Health

Tips for Protecting Your Ears During the Winter

When the weather outside is frightful, make sure to dress appropriately and think layers. Our bodies strive to maintain a core temperature of around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, and being in a cold environment for extended periods of time interferes with that. The body uses several mechanisms to retain heat when faced with cold temperatures. First,… Continue reading Tips for Protecting Your Ears During the Winter

The Mystery Of The Endolymphatic Sac

The endolymphatic sac is an irregular, complicated shaped bag like structure in the inner ear. It is involved in absorbing and secreting, and it takes part in the immune response. Although not entirely clear, theories suggest that the endolymphatic sac is involved in the development of Meniere’s disease leading to dizziness and hearing problems. Current… Continue reading The Mystery Of The Endolymphatic Sac

How to Protect Your Hearing at the Pool

Did you know there are 92 days in the summer season? That means three months of longer days, warmer nights and, usually, plenty of swimming to cool off on hot days. Especially for the kids. While your first thought to prepare may be to protect the skin by applying sunscreen, it’s also important not to… Continue reading How to Protect Your Hearing at the Pool

Looking For A Quiet Restaurant? There’s An App For That

Hearing aids improve quality of life for users. Studies have even shown that treating hearing loss can have a positive impact on feelings of depression, anxiety and social isolation. Adjusting to using a hearing aid does take some time and each person has to figure out the model and protocols that work best for them.… Continue reading Looking For A Quiet Restaurant? There’s An App For That

Winter Weather And Earwax

Anyone who lives in a cold climate knows that the tips of the ears are one of the first body parts to feel that frigid, wintry blast of air hitting the body.  It starts with a little discomfort at the top of the ears and then it goes to redness, and sometimes even pain.  We… Continue reading Winter Weather And Earwax

Musicians Need Earplugs Too!

The chances are that if you attend a rock concert, an orchestra recital, or go to a jazz club, you will see musicians wearing earplugs. The reason is simple and probably obvious. Musicians wear earplugs to protect their hearing from irreversible hearing damage. The ability to hear well is vital to a musician, making earplugs… Continue reading Musicians Need Earplugs Too!