Troubleshooting The Most Common Hearing Aid Problems

Hearing aids are incredible minicomputers that are custom fit and programmed for an individual’s hearing needs. However, just like any other piece of technology, they do require attention. Regular maintenance and cleaning of hearing aids is a must and knowing how to make a few simple repairs can help make life much easier for hearing… Continue reading Troubleshooting The Most Common Hearing Aid Problems

Accessing Hearing Healthcare Services for Older Adults On Fixed Incomes

Older patients on fixed incomes frequently have trouble paying for healthcare. They are more likely to have problems with transportation and mobility problems, and estimates indicate that 15% of older adults in the U.S. do not have access to the internet and all the valuable information found online. All of these considerations make it difficult… Continue reading Accessing Hearing Healthcare Services for Older Adults On Fixed Incomes

How To Pick A Hearing Healthcare Professional

Whether you already wear hearing aids or are concerned that you might have hearing loss, finding and deciding upon a good hearing healthcare professional can be a daunting task. A reputable hearing healthcare provider can offer a wide range of state-of-the-art technologies and treatments to help patients live life with hearing loss, so it’s important… Continue reading How To Pick A Hearing Healthcare Professional

Chronic Noise Exposure Linked To Cardiovascular Disease

Noise exposure is something we should all take seriously, especially for those of us who live or work in noisy environments. Much research has revealed the consequences of enduring exposure to noise pollution in terms of our hearing health. Working in factories, in construction industries, at airports, or even living in the city, can all… Continue reading Chronic Noise Exposure Linked To Cardiovascular Disease

The High Health Care Costs of Untreated Hearing Loss

There are presently over 37 million Americans with hearing loss according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD). This staggering figure is alarming when you consider the effects that an untreated hearing loss can have not just on communication but on general health and safety as well. Now, it seems that… Continue reading The High Health Care Costs of Untreated Hearing Loss

Finding a Carbon Monoxide Detector that Works for You

Safety is a high priority concern for anyone, regardless of hearing ability. Driving safely, being aware of your surroundings and emergency preparedness are all things that many of us focus on, but it’s also so important to make sure you’re protected from the silent killer, carbon monoxide. Those with hearing loss once had to rely… Continue reading Finding a Carbon Monoxide Detector that Works for You

The Latest Advances in Hearing Devices: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and More

Thanks to continual advances in technology, hearing devices continue to develop and change, providing users with better hearing experiences. As demonstrated at the 2018 EUHA Congress, hearing devices are becoming more advanced and are using technologies originally developed in other fields to give users a more natural hearing experience. While each hearing device is unique… Continue reading The Latest Advances in Hearing Devices: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and More

Carbon Monoxide Detectors for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Thanks to technological and medical advances, individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing can now live more independent lives than ever before. In addition to devices that help you communicate and connect with the world, there are also devices and systems available to help you stay safe. Traditionally, carbon monoxide detectors emit an alarm… Continue reading Carbon Monoxide Detectors for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Tinnitus: Why So Many People Avoid Treatment

Tinnitus is an incredibly common medical issue characterized by the perception of noise in the ears in the absence of a verifiable external source of said noise. Essentially, tinnitus occurs when someone hears a ringing, clicking, hissing, or other ‘phantom noise’ in one or both ears. While tinnitus is very common, many people never seek… Continue reading Tinnitus: Why So Many People Avoid Treatment

Protecting Your Hearing Health During the Winter

The advent of the winter season brings with it a whole host of excitement. The colder days, longer nights, and the start of the festive season keep us going even if we think of snow as more of a nuisance than a source of joy. That being said, while many of us are aware of… Continue reading Protecting Your Hearing Health During the Winter