The Link Between Oral Health And Hearing Loss

Did you ever think while standing in front of the mirror, scrubbing away at your teeth, that you’d be contributing your auditory health, too? It’s true. Proper tooth and gum care have a direct contribution to the health of the rest of your body, including your ears and auditory processing system. Healthy hearing can be… Continue reading The Link Between Oral Health And Hearing Loss

What You Should Know About The Audiology Patient Choice Act

Hearing loss is a condition that affects an estimated 38 million Americans, and with an aging population, that number is only expected to grow in the coming years. With so many people now diagnosed with or reporting some level of hearing loss, researchers and government representatives alike are standing up and taking notice. The most… Continue reading What You Should Know About The Audiology Patient Choice Act

How To Have A Special Mother’s Day With Hearing Loss

Mother’s Day is a particular time to celebrate those who play a tremendous role in our lives. It is a great time to show appreciation to those moms, stepmoms, and others who take on the mother role. How will you celebrate it this year? A party or a special dinner at a favorite restaurant perhaps?… Continue reading How To Have A Special Mother’s Day With Hearing Loss

How To Protect Your Hearing Aids From The Heat Of Summer

Summer is right around the corner and with it plenty of fun in the sun! From splashing at the beach to walking mountain trails to sunset dinners in the city and everything in between, the longer days of summer offer plenty of opportunities to play. What they also bring is warmer weather, and that doesn’t… Continue reading How To Protect Your Hearing Aids From The Heat Of Summer

Celebrating Mother’s Day With Hearing Loss

Each May, people around the country gather to celebrate the hard work and dedication of the loving mothers in their family. To celebrate, we hold picnics and brunches or just spend a quiet afternoon with mom enjoying some fresh spring air. But, while Mother’s Day is supposed to be a special and relaxing celebratory occasion,… Continue reading Celebrating Mother’s Day With Hearing Loss

Looking For A Quiet Restaurant? There’s An App For That

Hearing aids improve quality of life for users. Studies have even shown that treating hearing loss can have a positive impact on feelings of depression, anxiety and social isolation. Adjusting to using a hearing aid does take some time and each person has to figure out the model and protocols that work best for them.… Continue reading Looking For A Quiet Restaurant? There’s An App For That

How To Keep Your Hearing Aids Clean This Spring

The arrival of spring signals many things including “spring cleaning.” Why not make this a time for cleaning your hearing aids as well? These high-tech devices do incredible things, but they do require regular cleaning and maintenance. Read on to find some excellent tips for cleaning and repairing your hearing aids this season. Keeping Hearing… Continue reading How To Keep Your Hearing Aids Clean This Spring

What You Should Know Before Getting A Smaller Hearing Aid

Millions of Americans have now been diagnosed with hearing loss and hearing aids are helping many of them manage that hearing loss while continuing to live life to the fullest.  The hearing aid industry has answered the growing demand over recent years with ever more sophisticated and versatile choices that make hearing with a hearing… Continue reading What You Should Know Before Getting A Smaller Hearing Aid

3D Printing Could Revolutionize the Hearing Aid Industry

These days, technology is advancing at lightning speed. Things we thought impossible just a few years ago are now making their way into everyday life leaving us marveling at the possibilities of science. One such advancement has been 3D printing capabilities. You may have heard of 3D printing in recent years, but this exciting new… Continue reading 3D Printing Could Revolutionize the Hearing Aid Industry

How SoundPrint Can Help Those With Hearing Loss

Have you ever wished for an easy way to find quieter restaurants and bars? If you have been diagnosed with hearing loss, chances are you’ve spent time researching noise levels at venues. One of the biggest concerns for those with hearing loss is background noise, and a new app called SoundPrint promises to help alleviate… Continue reading How SoundPrint Can Help Those With Hearing Loss