These Loud Places Could Be Putting Your Hearing at Risk

You probably know that exposure to very loud noises can lead to hearing loss. However, based on what is commonly portrayed in the media, you may believe that this only happens in the case of very loud noises, such as an explosion or gunshot near the ear. While these types of loud noises can indeed… Continue reading These Loud Places Could Be Putting Your Hearing at Risk

What Is Vibroacoustic Disease?

Have you ever been exposed to noise so loud that it seemed to make your entire body vibrate? If so, you may have been exposed to high-intensity/low-frequency (HI/LF) sound vibration. While loud noises can often make your ears hurt, HI/LF sounds can result in pain felt throughout the entire body. Furthermore, recent research has demonstrated… Continue reading What Is Vibroacoustic Disease?

Loud Places Affect Your Hearing. This is What You Can Do About Them.

On any given day, we expose ourselves to a wide variety of environmental sounds. For the most part, these sounds are at safe levels that do not damage our ability to hear. However, noise can be detrimental to our hearing when it is too loud or is long-lasting. Sustained exposure to these types of sounds… Continue reading Loud Places Affect Your Hearing. This is What You Can Do About Them.

What Is Hidden Hearing Loss?

Imagine the following scenario: You are in a rather noisy place—like a busy restaurant at peak dinnertime or a party packed with lots of people. You are with friends, enjoying a fun conversation. However, you notice that you are experiencing some difficulty clearly understanding what is being said. With all of the background noise, you’re… Continue reading What Is Hidden Hearing Loss?

How to Know If You Have a Ruptured Eardrum

Aches and pains aren’t unusual. They come in all shapes and sizes and for too many reasons to count. But, what happens when they affect your ear? Pain here could be something simple and minor, or it could indicate something more serious like a ruptured eardrum. Here’s what you need to know about the signs… Continue reading How to Know If You Have a Ruptured Eardrum

4 Tips to Best Communicate with Those with Hearing Loss

“Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity.” -Nat Turner Communication is an essential part of our lives. Whether it’s with family or friends, the checker at the grocery store, the agent at our insurance company or someone else, effective communication can make all the difference. Communication, effective communication, especially, is also something we… Continue reading 4 Tips to Best Communicate with Those with Hearing Loss

Do You Really Need an Annual Hearing Test?

Did you know that you should get a hearing test every year once you reach the age of 55? While getting an annual hearing test may not seem very exciting – or even necessary, if you feel that you have good hearing – it is an important step in ensuring that you stay healthy and… Continue reading Do You Really Need an Annual Hearing Test?

How Social Isolation is Affecting Those With Hearing Loss At Higher Rates

Regardless of severity, hearing loss can present a wide range of complications in your day-to-day life. The deaf and hard of hearing community may struggle when it comes to emotional, academic, or social settings, as hearing loss can be an exhausting and sometimes frustrating barrier. Included alongside the technical issues of hearing loss such as… Continue reading How Social Isolation is Affecting Those With Hearing Loss At Higher Rates

Living in Isolation- Social Seclusion for those with Hearing Loss

For many people, social interaction is a must. You see family, friends, coworkers, strangers in the grocery store. You make conversation with them and chat about your day, future plans, and how your kids did in their sporting events. It can be a very different picture for someone living with hearing loss. The frustration of… Continue reading Living in Isolation- Social Seclusion for those with Hearing Loss

How the App ?SoundPrint? Is Helping Plan Your Next Hearing-Friendly Night Out

Before stepping out of the front door, do you worry whether your hearing aids can compete with the noisy environments of your social life? Are you interested in protecting your hearing from damage? Attending loud concerts or catching the game at your local stadium are great activities that we know will include high volumes in… Continue reading How the App ?SoundPrint? Is Helping Plan Your Next Hearing-Friendly Night Out