A New Method For Repairing Cells In The Inner Ear

Damage to the inner ear has numerous causes. Dizziness, oscillopsia, and unsteady gait are the usual signs of an inner ear disorder. If the portion of the inner ear associated with auditory processing is affected, an individual may also experience tinnitus. The sort and severity of vestibular disorder symptoms vary and can be difficult to… Continue reading A New Method For Repairing Cells In The Inner Ear

The Impact Of Biovariability In Hearing Loss

Like many people, you’ve probably found yourself in a situation or two where the noise level is high and your ears are completely unprotected. You may have fretted over the thought that your hearing may be exposed to damage, or you may have been very young and not had that thought at all. Previous Understanding… Continue reading The Impact Of Biovariability In Hearing Loss

Bye Bye Beige Hearing Aids

Americans into the tens of millions now report they have at least some hearing loss, and it is estimated that over 28 million Americans could benefit from hearing aids. Whether it’s the cost, the perception that their hearing loss isn’t severe enough to require hearing aids or fear of what others may think when they… Continue reading Bye Bye Beige Hearing Aids

Hearing Aids And Fashion

There exists a stigma around hearing aids as wearers of hearing aids tend to hide their devices. Modern technology supports this tendency by making hearing aids small and sometimes almost invisible. Why can’t hearing aids be like a set of reading glasses worn on the face without a second thought? The trend of keeping your… Continue reading Hearing Aids And Fashion

Great News For Tax Season, Your Hearing Aids Are Deductible!

It is that time of year again. Tax season. As April 15 quickly approaches, you may be scrambling to get your tax documents in order. If you or a loved one is hearing impaired, there may be a pleasant surprise waiting for you. Hearing aids are tax deductible! The good news does not stop there.… Continue reading Great News For Tax Season, Your Hearing Aids Are Deductible!

The Emotional Distress Of Tinnitus

Most of us have experienced a temporary ‘ringing’ in our ears at some point in our lives.  Maybe it was the result of a concert that was too loud and way too much fun. Maybe it was due to a loud noise exposure at work.  Whatever the cause, we know that this temporary condition is… Continue reading The Emotional Distress Of Tinnitus

Will Hearing Aids And Artificial Intelligence Be The Wave Of The Future?

Hearing aids are a technological wonder.  A tiny, sleek device that restores hearing and the ability to stay connected to the sounds of everyday life is miraculous enough, but the evolution of the hearing aid continues to assimilate the best that innovative discoveries bring to our lives.  The hearing aid has kept pace with digital… Continue reading Will Hearing Aids And Artificial Intelligence Be The Wave Of The Future?

4 Resolutions for Healthier Hearing

Each January, millions of people across the country and around the world make new year’s resolutions for better health from losing weight to exercising more to taking more time for themselves. This year, why not make resolutions for hearing health? Hearing is precious and caring for it is an often-overlooked part of self-care. Hearing loss… Continue reading 4 Resolutions for Healthier Hearing

Mindful Meditation And Tinnitus

We’ve all experienced settling in for a restful night’s sleep in a quiet room. We snuggle down under the covers and relax our minds, waiting for beautiful slumber to set in. Then, we hear the sink drip. Or we hear a tree branch tap a window. After a few minutes, we can’t do anything but… Continue reading Mindful Meditation And Tinnitus

Why Hearing Aids Sometimes aren't Covered by Insurance

Hearing loss is one of the top three global health issues with 360 million people affected, yet only 25% of those people seek treatment. The most commonly cited obstacle to treatment is cost. Hearing aids can be expensive (but don’t have to be), and the fact is, most insurance companies do not cover them. Currently,… Continue reading Why Hearing Aids Sometimes aren't Covered by Insurance