How Inner Ear Drug Delivery Will Change Hearing Loss Treatment

If you were to begin experiencing hearing loss tomorrow and visited an audiologist, what treatment recommendation do you expect to receive? If you are like most people, you would probably expect to be recommended an amplification device, like a hearing aid. However, if you were to begin experiencing the symptoms of an infection tomorrow and… Continue reading How Inner Ear Drug Delivery Will Change Hearing Loss Treatment

Revolutionary Treatment For Hearing Loss Is On Its Way: Inner Ear Drug Delivery

Whether it be a breathtaking symphony or heartfelt conversation across the dinner table with family and friends, sound plays a pivotal role in our everyday lives. Without this aspect of life, study after study concludes our quality of life, happiness, and relationships can greatly suffer. Unfortunately, this is the reality for over 48 million Americans… Continue reading Revolutionary Treatment For Hearing Loss Is On Its Way: Inner Ear Drug Delivery