How To Avoid Losing Your Hearing Aids

Losing the ability to hear is bad enough, but what if you lose your hearing aids too? Losing hearing aids is more common than you might think. If your hearing aids are not in your ears or a safe storage container when not in use, there is no limit to the ways a hearing aid… Continue reading How To Avoid Losing Your Hearing Aids

How to Prevent Losing Your Hearing Aids (And What to Do If You Misplace Them)

When was the last time you lost your keys? Your wallet? The TV remote? What about your hearing aids? You might think you would never lose something so necessary and valuable as your hearing aids, but many people do! One audiologist, Dr. Melissa Danchak, AuD, noted that she typically sees an average of three people… Continue reading How to Prevent Losing Your Hearing Aids (And What to Do If You Misplace Them)

4 Ways You Could Lose Your Hearing Aids

How often do you lose things? Keys, wallet, phone, remote control? It’s so common that many of us have now even invested in devices to help us find our lost things and technology developers have created locator services as part of their devices (find my iPhone, anyone?). In fact, according to a 2017 survey, the… Continue reading 4 Ways You Could Lose Your Hearing Aids