Exploring the Connection Between Hearing Loss and Falls

Hearing loss is often perceived as a condition that primarily affects one’s ability to hear and communicate. However, its impact goes far beyond auditory perception. In recent years, researchers have discovered a significant and somewhat surprising connection between hearing loss and an increased risk of falls. This connection is not just a mere coincidence but… Continue reading Exploring the Connection Between Hearing Loss and Falls

Understanding Somatic Tinnitus: The Mind-Body Connection

Tinnitus, often described as a ringing, buzzing, or hissing sound in the ears, affects millions of people worldwide. While it’s generally associated with issues in the auditory system, there’s a lesser-known form of tinnitus that originates from the somatic system, known as somatic tinnitus. In this blog post, we will explore what somatic tinnitus is,… Continue reading Understanding Somatic Tinnitus: The Mind-Body Connection

The Surprising Link between Pain Reliever Use and Tinnitus

Tinnitus, often described as a ringing, buzzing, or humming sound in the ears, is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While it is commonly associated with exposure to loud noises or age-related hearing loss, recent studies have uncovered a surprising connection between the use of pain relievers and the development or exacerbation of… Continue reading The Surprising Link between Pain Reliever Use and Tinnitus

Understanding Ear Drainage: Causes, Symptoms, and When to Seek Help

Our ears are remarkable organs responsible for both hearing and maintaining our sense of balance. However, like any part of our body, they can sometimes experience issues that warrant attention. One such concern is ear drainage, a condition that can range from mild and temporary to more severe and potentially indicative of an underlying problem.… Continue reading Understanding Ear Drainage: Causes, Symptoms, and When to Seek Help

How Can You Reduce Your Chances for Tinnitus?

Have you ever heard the term, “nothing but crickets”? It’s usually mentioned after someone tells a particularly bad joke, referencing that awkward pause where nobody makes a sound. For some tinnitus sufferers, it can have a more literal meaning. Tinnitus is a condition that causes a ringing or buzzing sound in the ears. This sensation… Continue reading How Can You Reduce Your Chances for Tinnitus?

These Biomarkers Could Uncover Hidden Hearing Loss

It’s not unusual for a hearing health care provider to recommend getting a hearing evaluation. But what happens when you’ve already had an evaluation and the diagnosis is normal hearing even though you have a nagging suspicion that it’s really not. You may be like millions of others living with hidden hearing loss, and experts… Continue reading These Biomarkers Could Uncover Hidden Hearing Loss

When Your Headache Begins Whistling Dixie

Many people around the world get headaches, some once or twice a year, others several times a week or even per day. Whether it’s a slow and gradual pain creeping up from tense shoulders as you sit at your desk working through a stack of paperwork, a mild annoyance you wake up with on occasion,… Continue reading When Your Headache Begins Whistling Dixie

Understanding Disability Discrimination in the Workplace

 “It’s not our disabilities, it’s our abilities that count.” –Chris Burke If you have been diagnosed with hearing loss, there are many things to consider, such as how you’ll treat your hearing loss, new considerations for your daily routine and even what you may need to do to optimize your routine at work. It’s also… Continue reading Understanding Disability Discrimination in the Workplace

Is There Relief on the Horizon for Sufferers of Tinnitus and Meniere’s Disease?

The inner ear is a sensitive little thing, susceptible internally to infections, inflammation, and viruses. In addition to these, it’s also at risk of external sources such as explosions, dangerously loud music, and blasts of noise like emergency sirens. Even with proper protection, issues can crop up such as tinnitus or Meniere’s Disease, which is… Continue reading Is There Relief on the Horizon for Sufferers of Tinnitus and Meniere’s Disease?

6 Common Myths About Hearing Aids

Several new advances have been made in the field of hearing aids in the last few years. Hearing aids are now smaller, more powerful, more discreet, more comfortable, and more technologically advanced than ever before. Unfortunately, however, it seems that not everyone’s opinion of hearing aids has advanced at the same rate. Some stigma may… Continue reading 6 Common Myths About Hearing Aids