The Impact Of Environmental Noises On Hearing Health

The opportunity to immerse yourself in total silence comes rarely these days. Even if one takes great lengths to eliminate environmental noise, there’s always something going on in the background. Just think of the variety of noises we expose ourselves to each day in the course of living our lives: barking dogs, lawn mowers, leaf… Continue reading The Impact Of Environmental Noises On Hearing Health

Environmental Noise And Your Hearing Health

Noise is a part of life. We make ourselves vulnerable to environmental sounds on a daily basis and frequently do not give it a second thought. It is in the home, the classroom, and the workplace. It is essential to consider this noise and develop a means to lessen or prevent exposure to it. Once… Continue reading Environmental Noise And Your Hearing Health

How SoundPrint Can Help Those With Hearing Loss

Have you ever wished for an easy way to find quieter restaurants and bars? If you have been diagnosed with hearing loss, chances are you’ve spent time researching noise levels at venues. One of the biggest concerns for those with hearing loss is background noise, and a new app called SoundPrint promises to help alleviate… Continue reading How SoundPrint Can Help Those With Hearing Loss

Musicians Need Earplugs Too!

The chances are that if you attend a rock concert, an orchestra recital, or go to a jazz club, you will see musicians wearing earplugs. The reason is simple and probably obvious. Musicians wear earplugs to protect their hearing from irreversible hearing damage. The ability to hear well is vital to a musician, making earplugs… Continue reading Musicians Need Earplugs Too!

The Best Way for Musicians to Protect Against Hearing Loss

“Music is a language that doesn’t speak in particular words. It speaks in emotions, and if it’s in the bones, it’s in the bones.” – Keith Richards Music is everywhere. For musicians, it can also be their everything. What many musicians don’t realize is that their passion for music can also gradually rob them of… Continue reading The Best Way for Musicians to Protect Against Hearing Loss