Musicians Need Earplugs Too!

The chances are that if you attend a rock concert, an orchestra recital, or go to a jazz club, you will see musicians wearing earplugs. The reason is simple and probably obvious. Musicians wear earplugs to protect their hearing from irreversible hearing damage. The ability to hear well is vital to a musician, making earplugs… Continue reading Musicians Need Earplugs Too!

A New Year For Hearing Health

With the new year upon us, many of us plan on making changes. Resolutions often include quitting smoking, eating healthier foods, losing weight, and working out more often. How about a new years resolution to preserve our hearing? Here are a few ideas to ring in a new year while protecting our hearing in the… Continue reading A New Year For Hearing Health

Don’t Let Hearing Loss Keep You From Hiking

Have you been diagnosed with hearing loss? If you think that diagnosis means giving up activities like hiking, think again. Every year millions of Americans head out on hiking trails and hearing loss doesn’t have to keep you from being one of them. According to the American Hiking Society, over 34 million people hiked America’s… Continue reading Don’t Let Hearing Loss Keep You From Hiking