Getting Your Ear Tickled Might Slow The Aging Process

No one likes getting older. As we age, our bodies slow down and we experience a plethora of health issues, from changes in vision to decreasing muscle mass. These physical changes, along with the increased risk of developing dementia, make aging something that the vast majority of us would love to avoid. Unfortunately, there’s nothing… Continue reading Getting Your Ear Tickled Might Slow The Aging Process

How “Tickling” the Ear Could Help You Age More Healthily

The eyes may be the windows to the soul, but are your ears the windows to your autonomic nervous system? New research conducted at the University of Leeds has found that using the ear to send small electrical currents to the vagus nerve can stimulate the nervous system. For those over 55 years old, this… Continue reading How “Tickling” the Ear Could Help You Age More Healthily