Why a Shocking Number of People Are Not Wearing Hearing Aids

Does your spouse tell you to turn the television down on a regular basis? Do you have to ask your friends to repeat themselves whenever you get together? Is talking on the phone a tiresome task that you’d rather not bother with? According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Diseases, there are… Continue reading Why a Shocking Number of People Are Not Wearing Hearing Aids

Studies Show That More People Should Be Wearing Hearing Aids

Modern hearing aid technology is light-years from its early beginnings with ear trumpets. Hearing aid manufacturers are now making hearing aids that are as much a computer as they are a hearing device. Bluetooth, smartphone compatibility, and sleek, almost invisible designs are making hearing aids more and more attractive. However, as much as technology advances,… Continue reading Studies Show That More People Should Be Wearing Hearing Aids