Winter Weather Vs. Hearing Aids; How To Protect Them This Winter

Winter means snow, ice, and taking extra precautions to keep yourself safe. For individuals who wear hearing aids, it also means taking steps to protect the sensitive electronics in the devices. Moisture and freezing temperatures can damage hearing aids or keep them from optimal performance. As the snow falls, and the thermostat drops, take precautions… Continue reading Winter Weather Vs. Hearing Aids; How To Protect Them This Winter

How Social Isolation is Affecting Those With Hearing Loss At Higher Rates

Regardless of severity, hearing loss can present a wide range of complications in your day-to-day life. The deaf and hard of hearing community may struggle when it comes to emotional, academic, or social settings, as hearing loss can be an exhausting and sometimes frustrating barrier. Included alongside the technical issues of hearing loss such as… Continue reading How Social Isolation is Affecting Those With Hearing Loss At Higher Rates

Can a Home Hearing Test By Amazon’s Alexa Replace Formal Audiological Evaluations?

Each year, we visit numerous healthcare providers for annual check-ups. The purpose is to ensure that our health is good, and there are no significant changes that might be of concern. Although hearing loss is the third most widespread physical condition behind arthritis and heart disease, visiting a hearing healthcare professional to have ears checked… Continue reading Can a Home Hearing Test By Amazon’s Alexa Replace Formal Audiological Evaluations?

Hearing Loss Caused By Antibiotics? Inflammation in Mice May Hold the Key

Life-saving antibiotics may be one of the single greatest contributions to the scientific community since the creation of Penicillin in 1928 by Alexander Fleming. Responsible for saving millions of lives on an annual basis, the positives regarding antibiotics cannot be understated. But like all medication, side-effects can occur when taking antibiotics ranging from nausea, headaches,… Continue reading Hearing Loss Caused By Antibiotics? Inflammation in Mice May Hold the Key

Individuals Wearing a Hearing Aid for Age-Related Hearing Problems Maintain Better Brain Function Over Time

A hearing loss that is left untreated can lead to emotional and social problems, a reduction in job performance, and an overall diminished quality of life. Untreated age-related hearing loss can also interfere with cognitive abilities due to the mental effort put forth to understand speech. A new research study is looking at how users… Continue reading Individuals Wearing a Hearing Aid for Age-Related Hearing Problems Maintain Better Brain Function Over Time

Groundbreaking New Study Could Bring New Hope to Tinnitus Patients

If your parents ever told you to turn down the volume on the TV or radio to avoid “hurting” your ears, they were right. Exposure to loud noises – whether over time or due to a single, very loud noise – can indeed lead to hearing loss. In fact, according to surveys, it is estimated… Continue reading Groundbreaking New Study Could Bring New Hope to Tinnitus Patients

I Think I Need Hearing Aids. Now What?

Did you know that nearly 50 million Americans have at least some hearing loss in one or both ears? Experts now say that between 2000 and 2015, the number of Americans with hearing loss doubled! It’s safe to say that you or someone you know has hearing loss and a hearing aid may be the… Continue reading I Think I Need Hearing Aids. Now What?

New Developments in Hearing Assisted Technology

When we’re out in a crowd waiting for someone, our brain and hearing work together to pick out their voice, even before we can see them walking our way. Parents who take their kids to the playground are super-tuned to their voices as well as their shrieks and giggles and can pick them out of… Continue reading New Developments in Hearing Assisted Technology

Recycling Hearing Aids and Hearing Aid Batteries

So, you recycle your paper and plastics, upcycle boxes and food jars into storage solutions, avoid food waste, and use reusable bags for shopping. If you have hearing aids, you may also be wondering how to do something similar with those and your hearing aid batteries. Hearing aids, our hearing and hearing needs are always… Continue reading Recycling Hearing Aids and Hearing Aid Batteries

To Hear or Not to Hear, Wait, What Was the Question?

As we age, it’s normal to experience some decline in certain areas of overall health. While some people fear a decline in mobility, others feel that losing their memory could be the worst outcome. Decreased brain function is a normal occurrence in older adults, just like hearing loss. As we age, we lose brain tissue,… Continue reading To Hear or Not to Hear, Wait, What Was the Question?