Smoking Could Be Damaging Your Hearing

Once touted as a smart choice for health and a slim figure, the less than healthful truth about cigarettes is out! We’ve now heard for years how dangerous smoking can be for our health. It has been linked to a wide range of health concerns including: Lung cancer COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) Heart Disease… Continue reading Smoking Could Be Damaging Your Hearing

Listening Activities To Help The Adjustment To A Hearing Aid

Getting a hearing aid for the first time can feel a bit overwhelming. The temptation for many of us adjusting to life with a new hearing aid is to only use it when we feel like we really need it. We may not have it on at home, but take it with us if we’re… Continue reading Listening Activities To Help The Adjustment To A Hearing Aid

Healthy Hearing For Academic Success

The ability to hear correctly is essential for success in school on any educational level. Schools, colleges, and universities teach students the skills they will need to function in society, so it is imperative to address any communication disorders to enable all students a chance at academic success. Current research supports the importance of communication… Continue reading Healthy Hearing For Academic Success

These Diets May Prevent Hearing Loss

There is no doubt that the body is a complex system of systems. As researchers dig deeper into the causes of hearing loss and how to prevent it, they are finding that it may come down to more than just noise exposure. Our diet may play a key role in hearing health. Several studies are… Continue reading These Diets May Prevent Hearing Loss

Why AirPods Are Not Enough to Treat Hearing Loss

With an estimated 48 million people in the United States now reporting some degree of hearing loss, the hearing industry is hard at work developing solution both for prevention and management of hearing loss. They are not alone. Technology giant Apple is now taking more steps to create more accessible technology for those with hearing… Continue reading Why AirPods Are Not Enough to Treat Hearing Loss

The Importance of Hearing Tests

Approximately 20% of Americans have some measure of hearing loss, but unfortunately, only 20% of people with hearing loss seek out treatment. While specific treatment options for hearing loss vary wildly from patient to patient, the starting place for the treatment of hearing loss is generally the same – it all starts with a hearing… Continue reading The Importance of Hearing Tests

Hearing Loss During Wedding Season

The warmer weather and lovely sunshine of the Summer season make it the perfect time of year for a wedding. Weddings are generally a source of joy. They mark an event where two families become one and are often a celebration of love. When friends and family gather to celebrate a wedding, it’s often a… Continue reading Hearing Loss During Wedding Season

The City That Never Sleeps Is Quite Loud: A New Study On Noise Pollution And How To Protect Your Hearing Health

A new study in New York City is investigating whether or not the racket and cacophony of daily life might have a negative impact on our hearing health. Funded by the National Science Foundation, researchers from New York University and Ohio State University are conducting the first phase of a five-year program called Sounds of… Continue reading The City That Never Sleeps Is Quite Loud: A New Study On Noise Pollution And How To Protect Your Hearing Health

The Evolution Of Hearing Aid Design: A Blend Of Fashion And Function

The hearing aid has come a long way since its infant stages back in the late 1800’s when the akouphone, the first electric hearing aid, was invented. The early 20th century witnessed a slow evolution in the style, size, and effectiveness of hearing aids. Initially, the first portable electric hearing aids were bulky and conspicuous.… Continue reading The Evolution Of Hearing Aid Design: A Blend Of Fashion And Function

The Link Between Oral Health And Hearing Loss

Did you ever think while standing in front of the mirror, scrubbing away at your teeth, that you’d be contributing your auditory health, too? It’s true. Proper tooth and gum care have a direct contribution to the health of the rest of your body, including your ears and auditory processing system. Healthy hearing can be… Continue reading The Link Between Oral Health And Hearing Loss