Hearing vs. the Brain and How We Process Sound

Sensory learning develops from birth in the form of taste, touch, sight, smell, and sound. Without one of these senses, the ability to combine and build upon these senses decreases. For example, as a child, when you smell freshly mowed grass you might be standing on the lawn. You?ll see the green of the grass,… Continue reading Hearing vs. the Brain and How We Process Sound

Study Reveals Mild-to-Moderate Hearing Loss in Children Leads to Changes in Brain Processes

For many years now, it has been well known in the audiology community that deafness in children leads to changes in brain development. Because hearing is an essential part of communication, learning, and language development, deaf children typically experience developmental delays. Hearing loss in children can contribute to a delay in the development of speech… Continue reading Study Reveals Mild-to-Moderate Hearing Loss in Children Leads to Changes in Brain Processes

New Laws Are Improving Education For New Jersey’s Hard of Hearing Students

As 5 out of every 1000 children are impacted by hearing loss in the United States, protecting and assisting the youngest members of the hard of hearing community is vital. At young ages, students are experiencing important development in their social, emotional, and academic skills, which can be delayed or stunted by a hearing loss… Continue reading New Laws Are Improving Education For New Jersey’s Hard of Hearing Students

New Laws Aimed At Supporting Kids With Hearing Loss

The school year is now back in full swing, and kids of all ages are settled into classrooms learning and connecting with teachers and fellow students. School administrators and parents do everything they can to ensure that they have the supplies and support needed to excel, but what about hearing support? While it’s not always… Continue reading New Laws Aimed At Supporting Kids With Hearing Loss

What is Unilateral Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss comes in all different shapes and sizes. It can be mild or severe, it can affect some tones and frequencies but not others, it can happen in the oldest of ears and the youngest, and it can be bilateral or unilateral. Every hearing loss comes with its own unique concerns and considerations, and… Continue reading What is Unilateral Hearing Loss?

Healthy Hearing For Academic Success

The ability to hear correctly is essential for success in school on any educational level. Schools, colleges, and universities teach students the skills they will need to function in society, so it is imperative to address any communication disorders to enable all students a chance at academic success. Current research supports the importance of communication… Continue reading Healthy Hearing For Academic Success

Could Your Child Be at Risk for Noise-Induced Hearing Loss?

There is a common misconception that noise-induced hearing loss is a condition that only affects older people. The truth is that noise-induced hearing loss can affect people of all ages and backgrounds. Even children. It’s time to rethink hearing loss and the importance of protecting our hearing right from the beginning to prevent loss down… Continue reading Could Your Child Be at Risk for Noise-Induced Hearing Loss?