Salvaging The Hearing of Mice With Genetic Hearing Loss Brings Hope to People With Hearing Loss

Research teams at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital are using an innovative approach to the problem of genetic hearing loss. This new research uses a gene-editing method to salvage the hearing of mice with hereditary hearing loss. In a process that targets a bad copy of a gene while sparing the good gene,… Continue reading Salvaging The Hearing of Mice With Genetic Hearing Loss Brings Hope to People With Hearing Loss

The Importance of Child Hearing Screenings

If you are an adult with hearing loss, you have probably noticed some ways hearing loss has affected your life. For example, participating in social events may be more difficult, some tasks at your job may be affected, or maintaining personal friendships and relationships may be more complicated. Hearing loss can affect many aspects of… Continue reading The Importance of Child Hearing Screenings

New Study Reveals That Wearing a Hearing Aid Could Protect Your Brain

If you are new to research on age-related hearing loss, it may come as a surprise that this type of hearing loss has been linked to several other health conditions. For example, age-related hearing loss has been connected to depression, anxiety, and a greater risk of falls. For several years now, researchers and audiologists have… Continue reading New Study Reveals That Wearing a Hearing Aid Could Protect Your Brain

Study Reveals New Information about the Relationship between Antibiotics & Hearing Loss

Modern medicine is often referred to as a miracle, and that is frequently true. We can now treat diseases and conditions that were once fatal to many, and new advances are made every day in the field of medicine. Antibiotics, vaccines, and other life-saving drugs are changing the world as we know it. However, modern… Continue reading Study Reveals New Information about the Relationship between Antibiotics & Hearing Loss

Groundbreaking New Study Could Bring New Hope to Tinnitus Patients

If your parents ever told you to turn down the volume on the TV or radio to avoid “hurting” your ears, they were right. Exposure to loud noises – whether over time or due to a single, very loud noise – can indeed lead to hearing loss. In fact, according to surveys, it is estimated… Continue reading Groundbreaking New Study Could Bring New Hope to Tinnitus Patients

Annual Wellness Visits & Hearing Loss Checks

When was your last annual wellness checkup? If you are like many other adults, you might not actually get your annual checkup on an annual basis. However, staying consistent on your annual wellness checks can help you stay abreast of your overall health and any emerging health conditions. With early identification, medical professionals can better… Continue reading Annual Wellness Visits & Hearing Loss Checks

Improving Your Hearing Health Through Annual Wellness Visits

Most people know the importance of getting an annual wellness visit. Many doctors will ask when you complete your appointment if you want to schedule the following years visit in advance. They take this yearly opportunity to run tests to see if you’re dealing with anything unusual that can be caught early on. Something we… Continue reading Improving Your Hearing Health Through Annual Wellness Visits

Beginning Your Hearing Aid Journey

To those with unrestricted hearing, the tweet of a bird or the sound of waves crashing might be taken for granted. For people who live with any form of hearing loss, being able to hear those simple sounds can be awe inspiring. While the thought of wearing hearing aids for the first time can be… Continue reading Beginning Your Hearing Aid Journey

New Research Shows How Utilizing Music Can Support the Development of Spoken Language In Hearing-Impaired Children

Every year, new studies and research become available that shed light on how to better support the development of spoken language in children with hearing impairments. New research from the University of Helsinki has uncovered another important strategy: utilizing music. Finnish researchers found that music benefits the brains of hearing-impaired children and supports the development… Continue reading New Research Shows How Utilizing Music Can Support the Development of Spoken Language In Hearing-Impaired Children

The Emotional Aspects Facing Those With Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a common condition, with over 15% of American adults experiencing some sort of hearing damage. In fact, it is a safe bet to assume you or someone you know has experience with hearing loss in some fashion. What you may not know is that this common condition is much more than just… Continue reading The Emotional Aspects Facing Those With Hearing Loss