Do You Really Need an Annual Hearing Test?

Did you know that you should get a hearing test every year once you reach the age of 55? While getting an annual hearing test may not seem very exciting – or even necessary, if you feel that you have good hearing – it is an important step in ensuring that you stay healthy and… Continue reading Do You Really Need an Annual Hearing Test?

How Social Isolation is Affecting Those With Hearing Loss At Higher Rates

Regardless of severity, hearing loss can present a wide range of complications in your day-to-day life. The deaf and hard of hearing community may struggle when it comes to emotional, academic, or social settings, as hearing loss can be an exhausting and sometimes frustrating barrier. Included alongside the technical issues of hearing loss such as… Continue reading How Social Isolation is Affecting Those With Hearing Loss At Higher Rates

Don’t Let Hearing Loss Leave You Isolated

“There simply is no pill that can replace human connection. There is no pharmacy that can fill the need for compassionate interaction with others. The answer to human suffering is both within us and between us.                                    -Dr. Joanne Cacciatore Human beings need more than nutrition and exercise to maintain good health. Much research over recent… Continue reading Don’t Let Hearing Loss Leave You Isolated

Alexa Is Ready to Test Your Hearing

Life seems to be busier than ever before. With work, kids’ activities, appointments, shopping, errands and more, it can seem like there’s never enough time. It’s easy to let some things fall by the wayside or find quicker ways to get them done. That includes hearing tests. With some of the new alternatives starting to… Continue reading Alexa Is Ready to Test Your Hearing

Can a Home Hearing Test By Amazon’s Alexa Replace Formal Audiological Evaluations?

Each year, we visit numerous healthcare providers for annual check-ups. The purpose is to ensure that our health is good, and there are no significant changes that might be of concern. Although hearing loss is the third most widespread physical condition behind arthritis and heart disease, visiting a hearing healthcare professional to have ears checked… Continue reading Can a Home Hearing Test By Amazon’s Alexa Replace Formal Audiological Evaluations?

Should a Home Hearing Test Replace a Professional Evaluation?

If you have ever been in a situation that made you question whether your hearing was normal or not, you are not alone. According to the Hearing Loss Association of America, approximately 20 percent of Americans have some degree of hearing loss. That comes out to roughly 48 million people, just in the US! So… Continue reading Should a Home Hearing Test Replace a Professional Evaluation?

Should a Home Hearing Test Replace a Professional Evaluation?

If you have ever been in a situation that made you question whether your hearing was normal or not, you are not alone. According to the Hearing Loss Association of America, approximately 20 percent of Americans have some degree of hearing loss. That comes out to roughly 48 million people, just in the US! So… Continue reading Should a Home Hearing Test Replace a Professional Evaluation?

Hearing Loss Caused By Antibiotics? Inflammation in Mice May Hold the Key

Life-saving antibiotics may be one of the single greatest contributions to the scientific community since the creation of Penicillin in 1928 by Alexander Fleming. Responsible for saving millions of lives on an annual basis, the positives regarding antibiotics cannot be understated. But like all medication, side-effects can occur when taking antibiotics ranging from nausea, headaches,… Continue reading Hearing Loss Caused By Antibiotics? Inflammation in Mice May Hold the Key

The Risks of Concussions on Your Hearing Brain

Concussions have garnered worldwide attention for their effects on players in the NFL, professional boxers, and their relations to sudden deaths, making them a dangerous reality for many athletes and recreation enthusiasts. In fact, the CDC estimates between 1.6-3.8 million sports and recreation-related concussions occur every year. With such a high volume of cases, this… Continue reading The Risks of Concussions on Your Hearing Brain

Hereditary Hearing Loss? Experiments in Mice Show A Promising Future

Estimated to be about 35-55% of all age-related hearing loss cases, genetic hereditary hearing loss is more common than you may think, and even more confounding to the medical community. Caused by a myriad of genetic mutations ranging from disorders to ear deformation at birth, the exact genetic reason may be difficult to pinpoint in… Continue reading Hereditary Hearing Loss? Experiments in Mice Show A Promising Future