Concussions and Their Effect on Your Brain and Your Hearing

The long-term effects of sports-related blows to the head fill the headlines often due to numerous professional football players receiving concussions during games. According to a statement from the CDC, over 1 million cases of traumatic brain injury (TBI) occur each year, leading to hospitalizations. TBI is most common in males between the ages of… Continue reading Concussions and Their Effect on Your Brain and Your Hearing

Salvaging The Hearing of Mice With Genetic Hearing Loss Brings Hope to People With Hearing Loss

Research teams at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital are using an innovative approach to the problem of genetic hearing loss. This new research uses a gene-editing method to salvage the hearing of mice with hereditary hearing loss. In a process that targets a bad copy of a gene while sparing the good gene,… Continue reading Salvaging The Hearing of Mice With Genetic Hearing Loss Brings Hope to People With Hearing Loss

The Importance of Child Hearing Screenings

If you are an adult with hearing loss, you have probably noticed some ways hearing loss has affected your life. For example, participating in social events may be more difficult, some tasks at your job may be affected, or maintaining personal friendships and relationships may be more complicated. Hearing loss can affect many aspects of… Continue reading The Importance of Child Hearing Screenings

New Study Reveals That Wearing a Hearing Aid Could Protect Your Brain

If you are new to research on age-related hearing loss, it may come as a surprise that this type of hearing loss has been linked to several other health conditions. For example, age-related hearing loss has been connected to depression, anxiety, and a greater risk of falls. For several years now, researchers and audiologists have… Continue reading New Study Reveals That Wearing a Hearing Aid Could Protect Your Brain

Study Reveals New Information about the Relationship between Antibiotics & Hearing Loss

Modern medicine is often referred to as a miracle, and that is frequently true. We can now treat diseases and conditions that were once fatal to many, and new advances are made every day in the field of medicine. Antibiotics, vaccines, and other life-saving drugs are changing the world as we know it. However, modern… Continue reading Study Reveals New Information about the Relationship between Antibiotics & Hearing Loss

Earplugs For Sleeping; What You Need To Know

Earplugs are useful for protecting the ears from loud noises. People also use them for sleeping. Whether a person is a light sleeper living in a noisy city or a spouse trying to find relief from a partner’s snoring, earplugs can help. However, there is a growing concern as to whether sleeping with earplugs every… Continue reading Earplugs For Sleeping; What You Need To Know

A Better Night?s Sleep With Earplugs

Did you know that as many as 40 percent of Americans say that they don?t get enough sleep? This statistic from Gallup may not surprise those who already know they could use more sleep. What may be surprising are the latest findings on just how much a lack of sleep affects our health and well-being.… Continue reading A Better Night?s Sleep With Earplugs

Giving New Life with Old Hearing Aids

When you?re ready to upgrade to a new hearing device, what on earth do you do with the old, used ones you?ve had for years? Recycle them of course! Through the gift of giving, your old hearing aids can be cleaned and refurbished and given to someone in need. People often go without hearing devices… Continue reading Giving New Life with Old Hearing Aids

Protect Your Hearing During Exercise

Most of the time you hear how healthy exercise is for your body. Everyone is told that at least mild exercise is beneficial for improving your health. Walking and other low impact exercises are excellent for much of your body such as your cardiovascular system and weight management. It’s also great for relieving stress and… Continue reading Protect Your Hearing During Exercise

How Hearing Loss Can Lead To Changes In Personality

Though usually understood as physical damage to one’s hearing due to age, illness, or injury, hearing loss has numerous effects on not only physical health, but mental health. For the 48 million American’s suffering from various degrees of hearing loss, unseen struggles can reduce heir quality of life, extending much further than skin deep. A… Continue reading How Hearing Loss Can Lead To Changes In Personality