The Top Reasons to Stop Stalling on Getting a Hearing Aid

It’s not unusual to experience resistance towards getting hearing aids, or even towards the thought that you just might need them. Losing the sense of hearing often occurs over a long period of time, decades even, and the gradual nature of the loss can leave us unaware of just how much we’re no longer hearing… Continue reading The Top Reasons to Stop Stalling on Getting a Hearing Aid

Hearing Well While Eating Out

These days, having a productive discussion with your company while eating out is a privilege that not many people have. This may be due to the music, the closely placed tables or even the noise from the kitchen. It is also said that raised noise levels are created intentionally sometimes in order to impart a… Continue reading Hearing Well While Eating Out

Tips for Adjusting to Your New Hearing Aid

Whether you’ve recently purchased your first hearing aid ever, or you’ve decided to upgrade your device to another model, chances are that the sounds you’re experiencing feel anything but natural. This is especially true for first-time hearing aid wearers, and hearing professionals go to great lengths to prepare their patients for the expected discomfort of… Continue reading Tips for Adjusting to Your New Hearing Aid

Family Help For A Family Issue

Family Help for a Family Issue   A recent article in Washington Post suggested a solution an aged-old problem.   Although hearing loss can occur at any age, it becomes more common as we get older.  In fact, the hearing of a typical 40-year old is already slightly poorer than the hearing of a typical… Continue reading Family Help For A Family Issue

Is It Really Worth It? Recent Advancements in Hearing Aid Technology

Hearing aid technology has experienced an explosion of advancement in the last several decades. These days, designs and features evolve so fast that it’s often hard to keep track of it all, let alone decide which options are worth their weight.   Hearing aids, like most electronics, rode the ‘digital revolution’ wave in the late… Continue reading Is It Really Worth It? Recent Advancements in Hearing Aid Technology

Is It Really Worth It? Recent Advancements in Hearing Aid Technology

Hearing aid technology has experienced an explosion of advancement in the last several decades. These days, designs and features evolve so fast that it’s often hard to keep track of it all, let alone decide which options are worth their weight.   Hearing aids, like most electronics, rode the ‘digital revolution’ wave in the late… Continue reading Is It Really Worth It? Recent Advancements in Hearing Aid Technology