Hearing Loss Do’s And Don’ts

The slow process of hearing loss discovery can be met with much hesitation and overwhelming feelings of anxiety and fear. But, getting the help you need to deal with hearing loss can remove much of the negative feelings associated with the situation. Here are some helpful tips that can help you through the process if… Continue reading Hearing Loss Do’s And Don’ts

Noise Pollution and Hearing Loss

It’s hard to argue the fact that today’s world is noisier than ever before. Traffic, construction, airplanes and crowds all contribute to the growing decibel level of daily life. Could this be a contributing factor to the increasing number of people diagnosed with hearing loss? Noise warnings Several decades ago, experts recognized the need to… Continue reading Noise Pollution and Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss: Not Just A Problem For The Elderly

Contrary to popular belief, hearing loss isn’t just an issue that plagues the senior folk in our population. While hearing loss is certainly quite prevalent among older adults, it is also a fairly common issue among young adults, people in middle-age, and even children. Here’s what you need to know: The Numbers As most of… Continue reading Hearing Loss: Not Just A Problem For The Elderly

The Important Function of the Endolymphatic Sac

In studying the structure of the inner ear, either in high school or college anatomy class, you may have become familiar with the details: the cochlea, the inner ear canals, the auditory nerve, etc. But one small, but newfound important detail never mentioned before but always present is the endolymphatic sac. Unknown Function Of The… Continue reading The Important Function of the Endolymphatic Sac

Solving The Restaurant Dilemma With Modern Design

Let’s face it; restaurants are loud! There is a good chance that the last time you ordered your favorite burger and fries you probably raised your voice a time or two as well. Excessive noise levels in restaurants is a primary concern for owners, patrons, and employees. The noise is drawing the attention of nationally… Continue reading Solving The Restaurant Dilemma With Modern Design

AirPods As Hearing Devices

Apple AirPods are the lightweight wireless headphones that provide wireless connection, easy pairing with Apple devices, and good call quality. The devices also include a compact case that charges the AirPods. Can they also function as a useful listening tool or possibly replace hearing aids? Apple intends to support AirPods as a listening tool. An… Continue reading AirPods As Hearing Devices

The Effect Of Antidepressants On Tinnitus

Imagine living every day and night with a constant uncontrollable, unavoidable ringing in your ears. Tinnitus, defined as a “nonspecific symptom of a hearing disorder characterized by the sensation of buzzing, ringing, clicking, pulsations, or other noises in the ear,” affects 10% of the population, according to researchers at the Oregon Hearing Research Center at… Continue reading The Effect Of Antidepressants On Tinnitus

Now There’s An App That Detects Hearing Loss

These days it seems like there is an app for just about anything. From managing finances to playing a video game, there is something for everyone. Health apps are prevalent and very helpful for a variety of healthcare concerns. If you are concerned with your hearing, there might be an app for you too. Thankfully,… Continue reading Now There’s An App That Detects Hearing Loss

Could Your Oral Health Be To Blame For Hearing Loss?

You’ve probably heard it all before, how important it is to care for your teeth. But did you know that oral health is now being linked to the health of other systems within the body? That’s right! The health of your mouth may also be an indicator of heart health, joint health and even hearing… Continue reading Could Your Oral Health Be To Blame For Hearing Loss?

PSAPs vs. Hearing Aids – Is the Cheaper Option Better?

After years of being in denial regarding your hearing loss, you finally faced the reality that you need to see a hearing specialist. You make an appointment with your local provider for a hearing evaluation. The visit confirms your suspicion that you are in desperate need of a hearing aid. This news really doesn’t shock… Continue reading PSAPs vs. Hearing Aids – Is the Cheaper Option Better?