Hearing Loss in the New York Times: What You Need to Know

If you are an avid New York Times reader, you may have noticed a recent article titled “Hearing Loss Threatens Mind, Life and Limb” by Jane E. Brody. As the headline indicates, the article explores how hearing loss can affect a person’s health and wellbeing. Drawing on recent research, Brody discusses the availability of hearing… Continue reading Hearing Loss in the New York Times: What You Need to Know

What Are The Hearing Hazards in Your Own Home?

Hearing hazards are everywhere, but have you considered the hearing hazards in your own home? Here’s how to protect yourself from hearing hazards at home. You may be aware that very loud noises can damage your hearing, but did you know that sounds from everyday living can also pose a risk to your hearing ability? Based… Continue reading What Are The Hearing Hazards in Your Own Home?

Theories On The Hearing Loss And Cognitive Decline Connection

As we age, it is vital that we take care of our brain. A considerable amount of research finds that hearing loss impacts cognition, and there is a direct correlation between the level of uncorrected hearing loss and the risk of dementia. A Johns Hopkins study examined 600 volunteers over 20 years. At the start… Continue reading Theories On The Hearing Loss And Cognitive Decline Connection

The Next Generation of Hearing Devices

Hearing aids have become an essential device for millions of Americans living with hearing loss. They help people with hearing loss communicate more effectively, enjoy hobbies, engage with friends and family, and live life more fully. All of this with a powerful little device that can often fit neatly inside an ear canal. Hearing aids… Continue reading The Next Generation of Hearing Devices

Tips For Enjoying Your Favorite Activities With A Hearing Loss

The ability to hear is a precious gift. We often never think twice about being able to listen to the sounds of nature, our spouse’s voice, or the laughter of children. Sadly, it usually takes a hearing loss for us to think about this gift of hearing. This loss of hearing is a sad reality… Continue reading Tips For Enjoying Your Favorite Activities With A Hearing Loss

Gifts For Loved Ones With Hearing Loss

As you’re rushing around this holiday season, picking up just the right gifts for all the loved ones in your life, don’t forget to take into consideration the unique needs of every person. For the ones you love who live with hearing loss, you may want to take a moment to consider what kind of… Continue reading Gifts For Loved Ones With Hearing Loss

Frequently Asked Questions About Hearing Aids

So, you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with hearing loss? Chances are you have plenty of questions! First and foremost, you are not alone in your diagnosis or quest for more information. According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 15% of American adults (37.5 million) aged 18 and over report some… Continue reading Frequently Asked Questions About Hearing Aids

Are Preschools Too Noisy? Hearing Implications For Early Childhood Teachers

It’s about 5:00 pm after a long day of work and you hop in the car to buzz over to your child’s preschool center to pick them up before dinner. As you open the door, you’re instantly greeted with a familiar sound – the loud, joyful glee of a couple dozen little ones and the… Continue reading Are Preschools Too Noisy? Hearing Implications For Early Childhood Teachers

Hearing Your Loved Ones And Friends This Holiday Season

The holidays are on the way and with them come great times with family and friends, social gatherings, and holiday office parties. These parties may be time for concern if you or a family member are undergoing problems with hearing. Please don’t let a hearing impairment sideline you this season. Avoid the temptation to skip… Continue reading Hearing Your Loved Ones And Friends This Holiday Season

Your Sweet Tooth Might Be Good For Your Hearing

Halloween isn’t quite yet upon us, but when it arrives, don’t be too quick to limit yourself to just one chocolate a day: It turns out that chocolate might actually be good for your overall hearing health. Sure, modern candies are full of sugar and other non-nutritional foodstuffs, but chocolate, particularly the dark kind, has… Continue reading Your Sweet Tooth Might Be Good For Your Hearing