Hearing Loss and Keeping the Love Alive

Hearing loss can be attributed to many factors such as long-term exposure or a sudden blast of loud noise, sudden pressure changes, injury to the eardrum, the build-up of ear wax, or advanced age. Other reasons include medications that cause ototoxicity, diseases, and illness, or trauma to the head or neck. Whether it’s a sudden… Continue reading Hearing Loss and Keeping the Love Alive

How to Deal with Hearing Loss in Your Relationship

Valentine’s Day is coming up, and we hope you are spending this day with someone you love. If you or your loved one is experiencing hearing loss, you know that this condition can affect your relationships. Hearing loss can seriously impact your relationships with friends, family members, and even your partner or spouse. Unfortunately, the… Continue reading How to Deal with Hearing Loss in Your Relationship

Hearing Loss and Healthy Relationships

For over 48 million Americans, hearing loss is an aspect of their day to day life, possibly affecting their work, education, and friendships. But can hearing loss pose problems for your romantic relationships? Unfortunately, though it impacts the person struggling with a hearing loss far greater than the ones around them, studies show that this… Continue reading Hearing Loss and Healthy Relationships

How To Have A Better Valentine’s Day And Relationship Despite Hearing Loss

Valentine’s Day is not too far off, and if you are going to be celebrating with a significant other who has a hearing loss, there may be a few hurdles for you both to overcome. Hearing loss can be difficult for couples. Studies indicate that high numbers of people with hearing loss state that their… Continue reading How To Have A Better Valentine’s Day And Relationship Despite Hearing Loss

Hearing Your Loved Ones And Friends This Holiday Season

The holidays are on the way and with them come great times with family and friends, social gatherings, and holiday office parties. These parties may be time for concern if you or a family member are undergoing problems with hearing. Please don’t let a hearing impairment sideline you this season. Avoid the temptation to skip… Continue reading Hearing Your Loved Ones And Friends This Holiday Season

Listening Activities To Help The Adjustment To A Hearing Aid

Getting a hearing aid for the first time can feel a bit overwhelming. The temptation for many of us adjusting to life with a new hearing aid is to only use it when we feel like we really need it. We may not have it on at home, but take it with us if we’re… Continue reading Listening Activities To Help The Adjustment To A Hearing Aid

How To Have A Special Mother’s Day With Hearing Loss

Mother’s Day is a particular time to celebrate those who play a tremendous role in our lives. It is a great time to show appreciation to those moms, stepmoms, and others who take on the mother role. How will you celebrate it this year? A party or a special dinner at a favorite restaurant perhaps?… Continue reading How To Have A Special Mother’s Day With Hearing Loss

Tips To Keep In Mind When Celebrating Your Mom’s First Mother’s Day With A Hearing Aid

This Mother’s Day, like so many Mother’s Days before it, will be filled with flowers and cards, brunches, and special trips out. No matter what age, mothers everywhere will enjoy this special day filled with warm thoughts, loving embraces, and kind words. And while being surrounded by loved ones is often gift enough, most of… Continue reading Tips To Keep In Mind When Celebrating Your Mom’s First Mother’s Day With A Hearing Aid

Reading Difficulties May Indicate Hearing Loss in Children

By the time most children turn 8-years old, they are normally capable of reading at a sufficient level. However, have you ever wondered why some kids struggle harder than others with reading difficulties? An undiagnosed hearing loss may actually be an overlooked cause for this learning delay. Many children sit in classroom settings throughout the… Continue reading Reading Difficulties May Indicate Hearing Loss in Children

First Valentine's Day With Hearing Aids? Here's Some Advice

Take an excursion to your local department store or florist, and you will quickly find out that love and romance are in the air. Chocolate, roses, and other assorted goodies are ready to be gifted to your loved ones. Underneath the glow of red and pink hearts is the reality of the holiday. Valentine’s day… Continue reading First Valentine's Day With Hearing Aids? Here's Some Advice