Age-related hearing loss is all too common in our modern world. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) estimates that one in three Americans between the ages of 65 and 74 has hearing loss while almost half of all individuals over 75 have trouble with their hearing. With stats like that, it?s… Continue reading Wearing a Hearing Aid Might Help Your Brain
Tag: hearing aid information
New Study Reveals That Wearing a Hearing Aid Could Protect Your Brain
If you are new to research on age-related hearing loss, it may come as a surprise that this type of hearing loss has been linked to several other health conditions. For example, age-related hearing loss has been connected to depression, anxiety, and a greater risk of falls. For several years now, researchers and audiologists have… Continue reading New Study Reveals That Wearing a Hearing Aid Could Protect Your Brain
Beginning Your Hearing Aid Journey
To those with unrestricted hearing, the tweet of a bird or the sound of waves crashing might be taken for granted. For people who live with any form of hearing loss, being able to hear those simple sounds can be awe inspiring. While the thought of wearing hearing aids for the first time can be… Continue reading Beginning Your Hearing Aid Journey
I Think I Need Hearing Aids. Now What?
Did you know that nearly 50 million Americans have at least some hearing loss in one or both ears? Experts now say that between 2000 and 2015, the number of Americans with hearing loss doubled! It’s safe to say that you or someone you know has hearing loss and a hearing aid may be the… Continue reading I Think I Need Hearing Aids. Now What?
New Developments in Hearing Assisted Technology
When we’re out in a crowd waiting for someone, our brain and hearing work together to pick out their voice, even before we can see them walking our way. Parents who take their kids to the playground are super-tuned to their voices as well as their shrieks and giggles and can pick them out of… Continue reading New Developments in Hearing Assisted Technology
Mimicking The Brain’s Ability To Distinguish One Voice From Many With New Hearing Aid Technology
The brain does a fantastic job of picking out individual voices in noisy environments. This process, known as the cocktail party effect, is a remarkable human ability. This aptitude for understanding speech in the presence of noise is challenging for a person with hearing loss. Advanced hearing aids have trouble deciphering speech in noisy environments.… Continue reading Mimicking The Brain’s Ability To Distinguish One Voice From Many With New Hearing Aid Technology
The Neural and Cognitive Benefits of Hearing Aid Use
Though more than 35 million Americans, or 11.3% of the entire US population, suffer from varying degrees of hearing loss, according to the 2008 Kochkin survey more than 25 million do not use a hearing aid even when it can directly benefit them. Hearing aid benefits surpass just helping you hear more efficiently, with new… Continue reading The Neural and Cognitive Benefits of Hearing Aid Use
To Hear or Not to Hear, Wait, What Was the Question?
As we age, it’s normal to experience some decline in certain areas of overall health. While some people fear a decline in mobility, others feel that losing their memory could be the worst outcome. Decreased brain function is a normal occurrence in older adults, just like hearing loss. As we age, we lose brain tissue,… Continue reading To Hear or Not to Hear, Wait, What Was the Question?
Auditory Rehabilitation: There’s More Than One Option to Manage Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is everywhere these days. If you aren’t affected, there’s a very good chance that someone close to you is. In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health: Approximately 15% of American adults (37.5 million) aged 18 and over report some trouble hearing. About 28.8 million U.S. adults could benefit from using hearing… Continue reading Auditory Rehabilitation: There’s More Than One Option to Manage Hearing Loss
The New Technology Changing Hearing Loss And Hearing Loss Prevention
As technological advancements surge, new health care opportunities are being created across medical disciplines, and with over 5% of the world’s population suffering from some degree of hearing loss, hearing health and hearing loss prevention has reaped the benefits of this exponential progress. Unfortunately, society has not kept up with the pace of new technology,… Continue reading The New Technology Changing Hearing Loss And Hearing Loss Prevention