Listening Activities To Help The Adjustment To A Hearing Aid

Getting a hearing aid for the first time can feel a bit overwhelming. The temptation for many of us adjusting to life with a new hearing aid is to only use it when we feel like we really need it. We may not have it on at home, but take it with us if we’re… Continue reading Listening Activities To Help The Adjustment To A Hearing Aid

Using Listening Activities To Acclimate To Hearing Aids

If you are new to wearing hearing aids, you will probably find them to be challenging to adjust to and awkward to wear. The uncomfortable sensation is normal. Thankfully, the more you wear your hearing aids, the more comfortable they will feel. Try wearing your hearing aids regularly because they will not help you if… Continue reading Using Listening Activities To Acclimate To Hearing Aids

Healthy Hearing For Academic Success

The ability to hear correctly is essential for success in school on any educational level. Schools, colleges, and universities teach students the skills they will need to function in society, so it is imperative to address any communication disorders to enable all students a chance at academic success. Current research supports the importance of communication… Continue reading Healthy Hearing For Academic Success

Your Job Might Cause Hearing Loss

Every day, our ears are exposed to a cacophony of sounds. Although many of these sounds are harmless, some of them pose serious risks to our hearing health. This risk increases if one works in particular professions which require consistent exposure to loud noises. When many of us consider what occupations might increase our risk… Continue reading Your Job Might Cause Hearing Loss

These Diets May Prevent Hearing Loss

There is no doubt that the body is a complex system of systems. As researchers dig deeper into the causes of hearing loss and how to prevent it, they are finding that it may come down to more than just noise exposure. Our diet may play a key role in hearing health. Several studies are… Continue reading These Diets May Prevent Hearing Loss

New Hearing Aid Technology And What It Can Do For You

Acquiring your first set of hearing aids or searching for a new pair can be a daunting task. Although these little devices and their high-end technologies are designed to make our lives easier and better, the sheer quantity of different options available makes choosing one set quite difficult. It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the… Continue reading New Hearing Aid Technology And What It Can Do For You

What’s on the Horizon for Hearing Health

“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” – Margaret Mead Hearing health is taking the spotlight as the number of those affected by hearing loss continues to grow. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 466 million people worldwide have disabling hearing loss… Continue reading What’s on the Horizon for Hearing Health

The Ventriloquist Effect: How Hearing and Visual Cues May Work Together

There is no doubt that the human body is a complicated machine that we are only just beginning to understand. Its different systems work together in ways we can’t yet even imagine to think, move, feel and more. Ever-curious and intrepid scientists continue to question what we know and unravel the mysteries of the human… Continue reading The Ventriloquist Effect: How Hearing and Visual Cues May Work Together

The Importance of Hearing Tests

Approximately 20% of Americans have some measure of hearing loss, but unfortunately, only 20% of people with hearing loss seek out treatment. While specific treatment options for hearing loss vary wildly from patient to patient, the starting place for the treatment of hearing loss is generally the same – it all starts with a hearing… Continue reading The Importance of Hearing Tests

Top Reasons Hearing Evaluations Can Be Your Best Friend

Getting a hearing test is not something most of us put on our to-do list, but it should be. Hearing loss is prevalent in our society with at least 20% of us experiencing some sort of hearing problem. While the risks associated with neglecting your hearing can lead to other complications, being proactive about your… Continue reading Top Reasons Hearing Evaluations Can Be Your Best Friend