Q-Tips Have an Impact on Hearing Health

The human body is truly an amazing thing. It has the ability to repair itself. The human nose can differentiate between 1 trillion various smells. We can even create a whole new life. We’re also equipped with a natural way of cleaning our ears. Earwax. It’s kind of gross, kind of irritating, and can be… Continue reading Q-Tips Have an Impact on Hearing Health

How Important are your Hearing Aids?

Do you have a gym membership that you seldom use? How about that electric mixer you just HAD to have but only pull out twice a year? Do your hearing aids sit in a drawer, unused, day after day? Our society often purchases things they perceive as needed or wanted, then ends up relegating them… Continue reading How Important are your Hearing Aids?

Cochlear Implants May Not Be An Option For Everyone

Millions of Americans have now been diagnosed with hearing loss, and millions more live with hearing loss without a diagnosis. It can be mild, moderate, or severe and present in many different ways. However it shows up, it can prove frustrating when not treated most effectively. While many people with hearing loss can manage well… Continue reading Cochlear Implants May Not Be An Option For Everyone

Why People Quit Wearing Hearing Aids

When you think of hearing aids, what comes to mind? How they can help manage hearing loss, help people stay engaged and socially active, and prevent health concerns such as depression and cognitive decline or the stories you’ve heard about uncomfortable fit, stereotypes, sound quality, and similar frustrations? Let’s be honest. Hearing aids are game-changers,… Continue reading Why People Quit Wearing Hearing Aids

Hearing Loss is More Serious Than Many Believe

When you think of hearing loss, do you think of a minor annoyance? An inevitable part of aging? Something so insignificant that you don’t remember the last time you had a hearing evaluation? Or do you think of a health condition that could have serious impacts on your overall health and well-being? One that should… Continue reading Hearing Loss is More Serious Than Many Believe

Five Common Places That Can Be Damaging To Your Hearing

According to the CDC, out of a growing population of 48 million Americans suffering from hearing loss, one in every four will be diagnosed with noise-induced hearing loss. With hearing aids, assistive listening devices in public places, and other treatment options, your quality of life can drastically improve, but preventative care is just as important… Continue reading Five Common Places That Can Be Damaging To Your Hearing

Hearing Aids; Why We Don?t Wear Them And Why We Should

Research indicates that 15 percent of American adults have some degree of hearing loss. Surprisingly, of the 28.8 million Americans who have hearing loss, fewer than 16 percent of them use a hearing aid. What are the reasons for this disparity? Why would anyone elect not to use a device that is beneficial to their… Continue reading Hearing Aids; Why We Don?t Wear Them And Why We Should

Hidden Hearing Loss And What You Can Do About It

Imagine getting a hearing test, and having it read normal, even though you still have trouble hearing. This dilemma is where people with hidden hearing loss or auditory synaptopathy find themselves. Hidden hearing loss is hearing loss that can’t be measured by a traditional audiogram. The results of the audiogram look much like a normal… Continue reading Hidden Hearing Loss And What You Can Do About It

5 Places That Could Hurt Your Hearing

Most of us live in a pretty noisy world, and it’s getting noisier by the minute. Cars, planes, machinery, construction, events, even sirens on police cars and other emergency vehicles can crank up the volume. Unfortunately, as our world grows louder, so the risk of noise-induced hearing loss increases. Your hearing health is precious. Once… Continue reading 5 Places That Could Hurt Your Hearing

Don’t Take Your Hearing for Granted

With approximately 37.5 million adults within the U.S. alone reported to have hearing loss, that’s roughly one out of every five people we interact with every day. When opened to the world’s population, that number jumps significantly to nearly 750 million adults. Though it’s true that hearing decreases more as people age, over half a… Continue reading Don’t Take Your Hearing for Granted