These Loud Places Could Be Putting Your Hearing at Risk

You probably know that exposure to very loud noises can lead to hearing loss. However, based on what is commonly portrayed in the media, you may believe that this only happens in the case of very loud noises, such as an explosion or gunshot near the ear. While these types of loud noises can indeed… Continue reading These Loud Places Could Be Putting Your Hearing at Risk

What Is Vibroacoustic Disease?

Have you ever been exposed to noise so loud that it seemed to make your entire body vibrate? If so, you may have been exposed to high-intensity/low-frequency (HI/LF) sound vibration. While loud noises can often make your ears hurt, HI/LF sounds can result in pain felt throughout the entire body. Furthermore, recent research has demonstrated… Continue reading What Is Vibroacoustic Disease?

Loud Places Affect Your Hearing. This is What You Can Do About Them.

On any given day, we expose ourselves to a wide variety of environmental sounds. For the most part, these sounds are at safe levels that do not damage our ability to hear. However, noise can be detrimental to our hearing when it is too loud or is long-lasting. Sustained exposure to these types of sounds… Continue reading Loud Places Affect Your Hearing. This is What You Can Do About Them.

What Is Hidden Hearing Loss?

Imagine the following scenario: You are in a rather noisy place—like a busy restaurant at peak dinnertime or a party packed with lots of people. You are with friends, enjoying a fun conversation. However, you notice that you are experiencing some difficulty clearly understanding what is being said. With all of the background noise, you’re… Continue reading What Is Hidden Hearing Loss?

The Parts of a Hearing Aid & How It Works

Hearing aids are incredibly specialized little pieces of machinery. Over the past several years, they have become increasingly advanced. Although you probably don’t think much about the different components of your hearing aid and how they work, each one has a specific and important role in helping you hear more sounds. Below we will review… Continue reading The Parts of a Hearing Aid & How It Works

The Risks of Concussions on Your Hearing Brain

Concussions have garnered worldwide attention for their effects on players in the NFL, professional boxers, and their relations to sudden deaths, making them a dangerous reality for many athletes and recreation enthusiasts. In fact, the CDC estimates between 1.6-3.8 million sports and recreation-related concussions occur every year. With such a high volume of cases, this… Continue reading The Risks of Concussions on Your Hearing Brain

Why We Need Universal Hearing Screenings in Our Schools

We all have memories of our school-aged days of nurse?s offices, large headphones, and raising our hand corresponding with the beep, but these tests were not just a comical excuse to get out of class, they were critically important. With every 3 out of 1000 children being born with detectable hearing loss, these tests are… Continue reading Why We Need Universal Hearing Screenings in Our Schools

Assistive Listening Systems And What They Can Do For You

Assistive listening systems (ALS) are simple amplifiers that bring sound directly into the ear. They are designed to separate sounds, such as speech, from background noise, thereby improving the speech to noise ratio. These devices work by supplying amplified sound via a Bluetooth connection to headphones or hearing aids. So, what are the different types… Continue reading Assistive Listening Systems And What They Can Do For You

Concussions and Their Effect on Your Brain and Your Hearing

The long-term effects of sports-related blows to the head fill the headlines often due to numerous professional football players receiving concussions during games. According to a statement from the CDC, over 1 million cases of traumatic brain injury (TBI) occur each year, leading to hospitalizations. TBI is most common in males between the ages of… Continue reading Concussions and Their Effect on Your Brain and Your Hearing

The Importance of Child Hearing Screenings

If you are an adult with hearing loss, you have probably noticed some ways hearing loss has affected your life. For example, participating in social events may be more difficult, some tasks at your job may be affected, or maintaining personal friendships and relationships may be more complicated. Hearing loss can affect many aspects of… Continue reading The Importance of Child Hearing Screenings