Could This App Detect Hearing Loss?

Technology and the hearing healthcare industry are colliding in more ways than one, and for the estimated 466 million people worldwide with hearing loss, that is proving invaluable. From more comprehensive hearing evaluations to 3D printed ear molds, to apps that can help diners find quieter restaurants and bars to rapidly advancing hearing aids and… Continue reading Could This App Detect Hearing Loss?

The Link Between Oral Health And Hearing Loss

Did you ever think while standing in front of the mirror, scrubbing away at your teeth, that you’d be contributing your auditory health, too? It’s true. Proper tooth and gum care have a direct contribution to the health of the rest of your body, including your ears and auditory processing system. Healthy hearing can be… Continue reading The Link Between Oral Health And Hearing Loss

Tips To Keep In Mind When Celebrating Your Mom’s First Mother’s Day With A Hearing Aid

This Mother’s Day, like so many Mother’s Days before it, will be filled with flowers and cards, brunches, and special trips out. No matter what age, mothers everywhere will enjoy this special day filled with warm thoughts, loving embraces, and kind words. And while being surrounded by loved ones is often gift enough, most of… Continue reading Tips To Keep In Mind When Celebrating Your Mom’s First Mother’s Day With A Hearing Aid

Investigational Hearing Protection Drug Given FDA Clearance for Human Testing

Oricula Therapeutics, a Seattle-based biotech, has received FDA clearance to begin volunteer human testing for their investigational drug ORC-13661. ORC-13661 is being studied for its potential to preserve hearing by protecting the ear hair cells of patients taking antibiotics known to cause hearing damage. The human testing will evaluate the safety, tolerability, and the movement… Continue reading Investigational Hearing Protection Drug Given FDA Clearance for Human Testing

How SoundPrint Can Help Those With Hearing Loss

Have you ever wished for an easy way to find quieter restaurants and bars? If you have been diagnosed with hearing loss, chances are you’ve spent time researching noise levels at venues. One of the biggest concerns for those with hearing loss is background noise, and a new app called SoundPrint promises to help alleviate… Continue reading How SoundPrint Can Help Those With Hearing Loss

Seven Hearing Resolutions for 2018

There really is something special about the first day of a new year. It holds potential and possibilities for the next 365 days and it is a wonderful time to embark on a plan to transform your habits. Improving one’s health is one of the most popular resolutions in a new year, but focusing on… Continue reading Seven Hearing Resolutions for 2018

Could Your Next Hearing Aid Also Monitor Your Heart Health?

Every day our knowledge about the human body and how it functions as a complete and interconnected system rapidly grows. Experts are quickly realizing that symptoms and conditions once thought to be isolated are in fact often connected to other systems and underlying conditions. This is also true of hearing loss. In recent years, hearing… Continue reading Could Your Next Hearing Aid Also Monitor Your Heart Health?

4 Resolutions for Healthier Hearing

Each January, millions of people across the country and around the world make new year’s resolutions for better health from losing weight to exercising more to taking more time for themselves. This year, why not make resolutions for hearing health? Hearing is precious and caring for it is an often-overlooked part of self-care. Hearing loss… Continue reading 4 Resolutions for Healthier Hearing

Why Does Hearing Loss Go Undetected?

Why Does Hearing Loss Go Undetected? Hearing loss often goes unnoticed and the person with the hearing problem is usually the last person to become aware of it.  Some people call this”Denial,” but that’s really not fair.   There are good reasons why hearing loss goes undetected, at least by the person that is having… Continue reading Why Does Hearing Loss Go Undetected?

Why Does Hearing Loss Go Undetected?

Why Does Hearing Loss Go Undetected? Hearing loss often goes unnoticed and the person with the hearing problem is usually the last person to become aware of it.  Some people call this”Denial,” but that’s really not fair.   There are good reasons why hearing loss goes undetected, at least by the person that is having… Continue reading Why Does Hearing Loss Go Undetected?