The Importance of Child Hearing Screenings

If you are an adult with hearing loss, you have probably noticed some ways hearing loss has affected your life. For example, participating in social events may be more difficult, some tasks at your job may be affected, or maintaining personal friendships and relationships may be more complicated. Hearing loss can affect many aspects of… Continue reading The Importance of Child Hearing Screenings

New Study Reveals That Wearing a Hearing Aid Could Protect Your Brain

If you are new to research on age-related hearing loss, it may come as a surprise that this type of hearing loss has been linked to several other health conditions. For example, age-related hearing loss has been connected to depression, anxiety, and a greater risk of falls. For several years now, researchers and audiologists have… Continue reading New Study Reveals That Wearing a Hearing Aid Could Protect Your Brain

Study Reveals New Information about the Relationship between Antibiotics & Hearing Loss

Modern medicine is often referred to as a miracle, and that is frequently true. We can now treat diseases and conditions that were once fatal to many, and new advances are made every day in the field of medicine. Antibiotics, vaccines, and other life-saving drugs are changing the world as we know it. However, modern… Continue reading Study Reveals New Information about the Relationship between Antibiotics & Hearing Loss

The Emotional Aspects Facing Those With Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a common condition, with over 15% of American adults experiencing some sort of hearing damage. In fact, it is a safe bet to assume you or someone you know has experience with hearing loss in some fashion. What you may not know is that this common condition is much more than just… Continue reading The Emotional Aspects Facing Those With Hearing Loss

A Healthy Diet Leads to Healthy Hearing

Eating healthy makes you feel healthy, it’s really that simple. As one of the most important parts of a well-balanced life, a proper diet is even prescribed by doctors to help combat all types of illnesses and conditions like obesity, diabetes, depression, and a variety of other ailments. With this type of endorsement, we’re sure… Continue reading A Healthy Diet Leads to Healthy Hearing

How a Healthy Diet Can Cut Your Risk of Hearing Loss

It can help lower your risk of cancer and heart disease. It can boost your mood and help you manage anxiety. It can help prevent cognitive decline and improve memory. It can even help you manage your weight, improve gut health and boost your immune system. Now experts have found that it may also help… Continue reading How a Healthy Diet Can Cut Your Risk of Hearing Loss

Giving New Life with Old Hearing Aids

When you?re ready to upgrade to a new hearing device, what on earth do you do with the old, used ones you?ve had for years? Recycle them of course! Through the gift of giving, your old hearing aids can be cleaned and refurbished and given to someone in need. People often go without hearing devices… Continue reading Giving New Life with Old Hearing Aids

New Developments in Hearing Assisted Technology

When we’re out in a crowd waiting for someone, our brain and hearing work together to pick out their voice, even before we can see them walking our way. Parents who take their kids to the playground are super-tuned to their voices as well as their shrieks and giggles and can pick them out of… Continue reading New Developments in Hearing Assisted Technology

Tired of Listening? You May be Experiencing Listening Fatigue

When we spend the day at work listening to those around us talking on the phone, making business deals, or just taking in the world revolving around us, it can be enough to take the wind out of your sails. But for some, it can be utterly exhausting. For those dealing with listening fatigue due… Continue reading Tired of Listening? You May be Experiencing Listening Fatigue

How Hearing Loss Can Lead To Changes In Personality

Though usually understood as physical damage to one’s hearing due to age, illness, or injury, hearing loss has numerous effects on not only physical health, but mental health. For the 48 million American’s suffering from various degrees of hearing loss, unseen struggles can reduce heir quality of life, extending much further than skin deep. A… Continue reading How Hearing Loss Can Lead To Changes In Personality